Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
Sigh, it's just called the Mediterranean diet, because it's based on some traditional foods eaten in the region, like olive oil etc, it's just a name. And it's been around for years and recommended by cardiologists for years. You can look up the specifics of it. But in summary, it's a high vegetable diet, with olive oil and fish and any other meats are less often eaten and in smaller quantities.

Yes, iodine is added to iodized salt, and table salt is NaCl so you're getting sodium there too. Most people end up with too much sodium, but guess the folks trying out the vegan diet weren't putting much salt on their food or something. And no, when you buy grass-fed beef the farmers are not supplementing the cows with B12 lol. Ruminants create it in their guts from their gut bacteria. They might put out a salt lick for the cows though, because like us cows too need salt and that may contain other minerals as well. Deer and other animals seek out natural salt deposits as well and supplement themselves. Also, the cause of mad cow disease is feeding cows other cows ground up into their feed, which obviously doesn't happen if they're eating grass. . .

Veganism is a diet, as a diet is just a way of eating, and yes it's deficient in nutrients. I'm not trying to discourage you from doing it, just saying that you'll probably need to supplement.

As far as mistreatment. . . well, that depends on where you're getting your meat and milk. I get raw milk from local dairies here that I go to in person, and no the cows are not mistreated. I can also get local grass-fed beef and lamb, and have also seen in person how those animals are raised. None of them are mistreated. If you consider any use of an animal exploitation and mistreatment, well okay, I understand where you're coming from, but I personally don't agree. I raise my own chickens and ducks for eggs so I'm one of those exploiters too I guess. I do have issues with feed lots and factory chickens and eggs - those are really disgusting, you'll see a big tin building and inside it's packed wall to wall with chickens, or feed lots where the cows are standing on hills of their own poop crammed together on bare ground or concrete fattening them up. But the small local farms around me are nothing like that.
Veganism is deficient and carnism is also deficient. Cows do produce B12 in their intestines, but please tell me the last time you ate cow manure. Humans also produce B12 in their intestines, though we don't absorb our own B12. It's called poop.

Breeding animals just to take their animal products and kill them when plant food is readily available is mistreatment. Killing calfs and throwing them in the trash when you could let them go free is mistreatment. Even if you just wanted to be like "I'm a human and I have dominion over nature," killing baby inbred animals to take their mom's milk and drink it like you're a baby cow is not particularly impressive and masterful. I already said not all uses of animals are mistreatment, but the commodification of animal flesh and excretions is inherently mistreatment no matter how gentle you are. Do you actually read posts before you reply?

Mediterranean Diet Best Diet Ever? Not So Fast

I endorse this article even if it's Huffingpaint Post.