Quote Originally Posted by Antimattter View Post
cool stuff.

in the last 2 years I've reduced my meat consumption to about 5% (holidays and special occasions only) and dairy to about a quarter.

not sure if I'll ever be puristically vegan about it (having options in life is nice) but so far the change has been positive. I feel calmer, less irritable, more focused and more disciplined. my cardiovascular performance has enjoyed a major boost.

I submit: nutritionfacts.org

also a great tip if you want to cook legumes regularly is to get an electric pressure cooker such as the Instant Pot, which cuts down the boiling time to about 15 minutes and makes it an automated process. make sure to get a steaming rack so you can steam cruciferous vegetables in it as well.
I'm not puristically vegan either. I still eat and buy things with honey and beeswax since most crops are pollinated by exploited bees and the honey, wax, etc. is just a byproduct. Unlike gelatin and cookies with egg, I haven't gotten sick from it either recently. It really makes me wonder what'd happen if that final bit of animal torture would be removed from our ecosystem and if the plant food would increase in quality.

I also don't consider all animal products exploitative, which a site called The Vegan Society seems to. For example, feathers. If I go outside and some feathers are on the ground and I sterilize one and put it in my hat, that's not exploitative, though I've never done that (I need to now.) Birds just randomly lose feathers like humans just randomly lose hairs. It might be possible to have vegan versions of quite a few animal products just by being genuinely kind to animals, just like how some people have dog doors and manage to keep pet dogs from running away just by being a genuinely kind human. Anyone who thinks most of the natural world is not alive needs to find an oak and look for oak galls. Each of those "fruits" on the ground used to be a wasp's home, but it just looks like part of the tree. (Another animal product that's fine, as long as you stick with the ones on the ground and don't kill wasps by picking them off the tree. Iron gall ink is the bomb.) The world is alive and symbiotic, not dead and atomized. Many animals shed antlers which is also pretty significant, and I'm sure if you needed wool you could get it by kindly shearing a sheep that's getting hot in warm weather, though I don't buy wool since buying wool because it could be OK under different circumstances is like saying it's OK to rob a bank because you could win a few million dollars in the lottery or buying stocks. I'm also not going to go burn leather in a bonfire since that doesn't help anything and if an artist makes an artwork using animal products, I might still buy it or other non-commodity uses of animal products but that's still sad and I'd like to get people to stop making new non-commodity animal products as best I can. The people who are burning horsehair violin bows in a bonfire need to start a vegan violin company, not throw a tantrum.