Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
I mean yeah I’m light and the like online especially. The internet has historically been a place I like to hang and have fun, I got enough shit going on in life outside of it. I’m open to interpretations though! I do have some interview videos if you are interested, via direct message. I score highest on IEI on aim to know and such, followed by EII, then I think IEE and SEI. I will tell you I am not the same in all realms though. I will also tell you I am an extreme type 4 in enneagram (by the account of people who know me best as well). Not sure if this helps. My results on Aim to Know are somewhere on this thread. I often get Fe and Ti in my VI via this forum (used to have pics up). Someone watched my videos and noted strong Ni too so I am not sure, I am willing to share the vids
Sure, PM me. I'm no expert & I can't promise I will be able to tell what you are if I haven't encountered your type of IEI before (or whatever you are).

This is basically how I type: best fit to other people I've met + intertype relations especially with me or my identical + sex style / quadra traits + functions and a few of the dichotomies.

FWIW I have had what I think was partial dualization with an IEI. Early on she would channel different quadras, and her judgement & way she interacted with me would get contaminated by whoever she had been around that day, like tracking gamma mud into my space. I had to call it out & break her out of that, which she said she appreciated, since it let her settle into her own emotions/identity. I've noticed with IEIs it takes a lot of conversations of me batting down habitual persona smokescreens, before they realize I "get" Ni. So maybe that what this is.

Full disclosure I'm starting to suspect whether I'm too chill to be SLE, but I'm 90% sure I am. I'm in the middle of writing a "What's My Type?" of my own to confirm if SLE e9 is possible and to rule out self-delusion on the chance I'm SLI or LSI. I think socionics is dominated by theorists with Polr & aspirational Se, so the FORCE stuff gets hammered.