I should also note that I don’t believe in tarot and such really, but there are good messages in the cards and I like it so When I was young I was always drawn to occultist practices such as tarot and astrology. I find my deepest spiritual connection in nature. My rational brain tells me it’s all silly af, but my heart is drawn to such, and I’ve been more open with it again. It’s fun. I looked into Wicca when I was young (had my first tarot deck at 12), but was turned off when it made mention of multiple deities. However, I since learned that it is not meant to be taken literally and rather viewed as archetypes, which is cool af. My last avatar was Phoenix archetype as I feel this archetype embodies me the most in my life right now. <—— also my sisters and I. I’m Buttercup (tho my dad said I could be Blossom, but nah)