Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
What about EIIs do you specifically relate to?
Oh man, this is a lot right now. Idk, I'm pretty humanitarian, I'm in the behavioral health field, although I would say my first passion is music and the creative realm, then behavioral health. Um... Nass Coda help me out. I'm sorry, I'm going through some medical recovery and such atm. A bit fuzzy. I'm going to post a video, I have others that I need to move to a different YT account. Lol, I have this one that I bet is prob gonna make people think I'm something I'm not, but eff it.... here it is. I notice when watching my videos there are some vast differences. I was telling someone about how I seem to be able to take on different roles and have many sides, not in a fake sense, just... well the word I used to describe it is, "multifaceted". I also have social anxiety which I think makes things complicated. Anyway, here is one simple video of one certain state of mine. I was on a trip and in nature, which I absolutely adore. I was about to have some more amazing experiences that night filled with art, science, exploration... and love. Here is the vid.... sigh, nevermind, upload fail : (