View Poll Results: What is my type (especially if you've seen my videos)?

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  • ESTp-SLE

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  • ENTp-ILE

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  • ENFp-IEE

    2 33.33%
  • ISTp-SLI

    0 0%
  • INTp-ILI

    0 0%
  • ISFp-SEI

    0 0%
  • INFp-IEI

    1 16.67%
  • ISTj-LSI

    0 0%
  • ISFj-ESI

    0 0%
  • INTj-LII

    0 0%
  • INFj-EII

    3 50.00%
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Thread: Am I EII or IEI ahhhhhhhhh

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  1. #1
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Default Am I EII or IEI ahhhhhhhhh

    Greetings I've had the hardest time figuring out if I'm EII or IEI. I initially felt the most drawn to IEI, but was convinced of being EII. I have now changed my mind again. I am undoubtedly 4w5 in enneagram and INFP in MBTI. I'm also Sx/So, but very close on those, slight Sx bend. Is there anything that could possibly help me to solidify which type I am?

    Last edited by thegreenfaerie; 09-24-2020 at 05:13 PM.

  2. #2
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    There are typing questionnaires you can fill out so people can get an idea of who you are and what you value, it's under the questionnaire tab above. Some people will ask you to post a video of yourself answering the questions, you don't have to do that if you're not comfortable. How much experience do you have with Socionics? Did you come from MBTI? It will help you to learn more about the typing system.
    Last edited by EUDAEMONIUM; 09-19-2019 at 09:06 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    ooo's Avatar
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    just pick one and stick to it until it wont fit anymore

  4. #4
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    You could try this test and then post results to a typing thread or here. Just make sure you post full results that show how you compare to others of same type. Sometimes there are people here that are good at unraveling the results. A lot of people don't post the whole thing.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #5
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    AimToKnow.png... aimtoknow2.png As of a few months ago

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    IEIs will look more dreamy and spacey but also like they might laugh at you for having cancer. (Fe valuing)
    EIIs look like they will be seriously empathetic with ur cancer, but also look more angry & constipated. (Fi valuing)

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    make a videointerview
    you looked as ILI by the photos. IEI is closer to it

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    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Very interesting! I'm definitely going to have to check out more information on ILI. Did my results indicate anything? I have a different picture on my profile and well, you can see my Avatar pic. If that helps. I will post some more pictures if that helps

  9. #9
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    IMNSHO, EIIs are more moralistic/(self?)righteous and serious/career focused (cuz they value Te). IEIs are more romantic/weird and merry, and less focused on that. More ethical than moral. A more wilder sense of humor, but IRL we tend to be very wise who we show this side to so you might have to know an IEI well before it comes out. Also more into "stricter" logical categories as they value Ti not Te.

    This is really stereotypical and not all that useful and I'm sure some people will throw a tomato at me for saying this.... but a lot of the EIIs I know have been really deathly serious, focused on practical matters like helping their community and succeeding in a career they like, and they have a greater tendency to be religious conservatives that are against homosexuality (or if they are pro-gay they subscribe to a very politically correct version of being gay that IEEs advocate for) etc, and IEIs are.... not like that at all. More the opposite of all that crap I just said, cuz they are from opposing quadras. They will clash with ppl like that. EIIs also go along more with authority and the status quo, IEIs are rebellious Betas and challenge it. IEIs also are very romantically compatible with SLE bad boy/girls. EIIs not at all! It will be like 'ew go away' instead of 'ooh baby that's what I like!'

    Very generally speaking: IEI women/fags will fall in love with a douche gangsta. EII women/fags will fall in love with an asshole CEO businessman.

    Though both yes know how to be nice and polite and tell the other person what they want to hear. Cuz they are both ethical/moral introverts. So both can follow the rules well and seem very similiar, though- as you get to know them, the similarities are quite superficial.

  10. #10
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    If those are the only two options, then IEI IMO.

  11. #11
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    And some more pictures, actually, I'll remove the other 2 from the last post and add them here

    (deleted pics)

    I will do the questionnaire soon, I'm going through some medical stuff and it's hard to focus right now. Also, I recently got braces off so I may start smiling more for pics I did add a smiling one here. Idk, I did smile in plenty prior too, but my go to look seems to be the more serious yet with a subtle smile one
    Last edited by thegreenfaerie; 10-01-2019 at 04:41 PM.

  12. #12

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    easiest way to tell the difference is to look at quadra values and how you act in groups, otherwise these two types can look nearly identical. I think that in group settings, IEIs can seem surprisingly extroverted, whereas EII will be much less so, but there are exceptions of course. also look at Ti vs Te valuing - IEIs can be mistaken for LIIs due to high N and strongly valued Ti. you definitely VI IEI to me though.

  13. #13
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Are both of these types chameleonesque?

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Are both of these types chameleonesque?
    IEI more so than EII, ILI not so much

  15. #15
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    My dad said it's hard to type me because I can take on different roles. Then again, I guess asking my parents questions and valuing the answers makes me lean toward EII, lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    My dad said it's hard to type me because I can take on different roles.
    This may be the argument that your type is IEI

    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Then again, I guess asking my parents questions and valuing the answers makes me lean toward EII, lol
    IEI can also behave like this

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    My dad said it's hard to type me because I can take on different roles.
    The traits which will be seen with the assurance from your video should be correct. To change good type related nonverbal is not easy.

  18. #18
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Yeah, the quadras was challenging, the only thing I knew was I wasn't in Gamma. I definitely value Ti lol. I'm reading ILI too right now and it's not exactly wrong so far IEI I was drawn to immediately by the description however, but I got convinced otherwise and doubted myself (the doubt and self-criticism which apparently favors EII). One thing I noticed too is a lot of my favorite musical artists, whose lyrics I relate to most are IEI, when I looked them up.

  19. #19
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Yeah lol, I didn't read much on ILI. I could relate to the having a lot of creative imagery, but not necessarily sharing it with others, but then it got into them being super messy and such and that is inaccurate. I guess none of the types ever perfectly fit. I think IEI is becoming more clearly my type, but then suddenly something EII will hit. I have a theory I developed more EII trait due to my career and life experiences. I'm also a bit older so I've matured some.

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    "IEIs are generally very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around them. They are often good at recognizing and influencing the moods of others, and at communicating the depth of their feelings or experiences. They tend to be adept at reading the reactions that others have to them and are often quick to make use of emotional cues in interaction. They frequently feel a need to look after the mood of those around them, and characteristically seek to awaken or innerve others' emotional energy. They may exhibit a propensity for good-natured, friendly, lighthearted banter and try to promote good will and inclusiveness. On the other hand, IEIs can also direct their emotional influence through a mode of expression that limits their affable levity; they may take on a formal, toxic, serious, or even shock-jock emphasis as situations require."

    the bolded part is interesting to me, and something I can personally relate to as IEI

  21. #21
    squark's Avatar
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    I think you're IEI.

    But an easy way (imo) is to just look at temperament. Both IEI and EII share strong functions, but IJ temperament and IP temperament are imo pretty different. You get the relaxed, go with the flow, ready for anything IEI vs the holding-back, stand-offish, hesitant EII and that comes from quadra values + temperament imo.

  22. #22
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    Honestly I'm starting to lean toward EII again lol. I'm so confused. I have some videos that aren't related to typology, old ones too before I knew any of this or was actively engaged if they might possibly help at all. I'm just not in a state to make a video right now. Thanks for your help guys : )

  23. #23
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    What about EIIs do you specifically relate to?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    What about EIIs do you specifically relate to?
    Oh man, this is a lot right now. Idk, I'm pretty humanitarian, I'm in the behavioral health field, although I would say my first passion is music and the creative realm, then behavioral health. Um... Nass Coda help me out. I'm sorry, I'm going through some medical recovery and such atm. A bit fuzzy. I'm going to post a video, I have others that I need to move to a different YT account. Lol, I have this one that I bet is prob gonna make people think I'm something I'm not, but eff it.... here it is. I notice when watching my videos there are some vast differences. I was telling someone about how I seem to be able to take on different roles and have many sides, not in a fake sense, just... well the word I used to describe it is, "multifaceted". I also have social anxiety which I think makes things complicated. Anyway, here is one simple video of one certain state of mine. I was on a trip and in nature, which I absolutely adore. I was about to have some more amazing experiences that night filled with art, science, exploration... and love. Here is the vid.... sigh, nevermind, upload fail : (

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    My friend made this for me which I greatly appreciate. It's probably why I'm so confused. I seem to exhibit both beta and delta characteristics betadelta.jpg

  26. #26


    I gotchu bouncingoffclouds.
    This is a video of her

  27. #27


    Last edited by abillionmillion; 10-01-2019 at 04:37 PM.

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    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Pretty settled on IEI again lol

  29. #29
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NASS CODA View Post
    Here's another longer video of OP (bouncingoffclouds) talking. She's talking to kids in it lol, and it's an older one. But illustrates her well imo
    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Pretty settled on IEI again lol
    I was unsure before but this one video has a distinctly j>p vibe to it. I have no better suggestion since it does look like you are an NF based on test results. I expected to see a bit more Ni in your test results but that is fine since no one I know has measured up to the average IEI on that test. I am not sure how the test is even scoring it but someone else here might. It has had the same numbers for "average" IEI since I first took it in 2014. It was probably based on a small sample size typed by the creator and is not adjusted by new test results which makes sense since it would skew the creators typings in some way. I believe the Fe average the test claims is too low for the average IEI or Fe creative in general. It should at least be equal to their Ne. If you are IEI I would say Fe subtype.

    Here is a chart of another IEI so you can see the lines they have marked for average IEI.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    My passions are MUSIC, psychology/behavioral health, animals and nature, the arts, and to a degree, science

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    "INFP, 4w5, IEE-Ne"

    IEE is ENFP

  32. #32
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    right, but I'm an INFP. I mentioned to my friend before "sometimes I feel more Ne dom than Fi dom" however, and I brought this up with him yesterday. I did share with him that Keanu meme that says, "What if I'm not an INFP, but just an ENFP with social anxiety" and he was like, nah all INFP's say that (online friend). I fit the bill pretty well for INFP, the type 4 variety (as opposed to 9), I am EXTREMELY type 4. To me these are not perfect systems and I think it makes sense there could be overlap.

    The career portion of Gulenko's IEE description stood out like a sore thumb this morning, lol I've literally considered all of those careers (or regretted that I didn't do certain things potentially). "The humanitarian sphere. Teaching, art, journalism, psychology, career advising, marriage counseling, advertising." The only exception is journalism, which maybe indicates something. I wrote this to my friend this morning, "I've said so many times that I think I could have a career in advertising. When I really like something, I'm very enthusiastic and can "sell" it. Also have been told I could do marriage counseling lol. Teaching is something I've been starting to realize I actually enjoy, once again, if it's something I'm passionate about. Art and psychology, that's obvious, have also considered doing vocational counseling because although I can't figure out what to do myself, I enjoy and feel I have a keen eye for helping other figure out what they would be good at."

    Of course I did this sort of dissecting with IEI too lmao. To be continued

    Anyway Sol, I hear ya, but for one, Fi works differently in the MBTI system than this one. I'm a pretty glaring obvious xNFP. You are right that people online have sometimes mistaken me for ENFP though. My aesthetic environment is so INFP it hurts lol. I literally have a fucking dragon that lights up. I always have faerie lights which appears to be some common INFP bond lmao. DONT TAKE MY TYPE FROM ME. @NASS CODA help me out lol I need my coffee and to get ready for some things. Gotta get more yellow dye today to make my orange dye more vibant 8 )

    Family members, such as my likely ENFP in MBTI sister gave me things that had words like "Dreamer". My childhood was the most INFP shit on the planet (in MBTI). I mention it in my new videos actually, which I'm debating sharing, or only giving out to those who ask again. I actually made a new YT channel with all of my "for typing" videos. Lol. Going to put the others from other channel on private now : )

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    What would you type this guy in MBTI @Sol (I relate to his hand movement stuff haha, there is another video he did something that I related to so hard, but I can't remember which one), but yes, what would you type him as.

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    I have been typed via questionnaires in MBTI with the answer of INFP, and it's what I've gotten on every test I've taken 5000 times in my life (in case you didn't notice, I like the idea of not being the type I thought I was, the prospect of something new, yet at the same time I can get frustrated if it gets challenged at times, once I've settled). I'm not sure if this is an endless search for self or getting bored with being the same "thing".

    In MBTI, I tested as INTP the first time I took the test in my first college, but INFP every time since. I watched this to help me figure it out and was like, yeah, lol, INFP no doubt. The stacking in MBTI I relate to pretty hard, although, much like in this typing system, the Ti position seems weird (shadow in MBTI).

    I'm a very individualistic type 4 type if this helps at all. Although, I've come to find out 7 may very well be in my tritype, despite testing higher on 5. I always had this sense I was under-testing on 7. I showed my dad a paper with very brief descriptions and as he was going through the types, 1 "no", 2, "no", 3 "no", 4.... "well this rings a bell". He then got to 7 and said he could see 7 too. Looked more into tritypes and 471 felt right, although now I'm questioning it. 479 is TOO nice I feel (I could never figure out between 1 and 9 for tritype). I used to identify as 459 and although I have tons of traits there, I am not a triple withdrawn. I'm either 1w9 or 9w1 in the tritype. I intend to look more into the ones with head 6 too due to the anxiety stuff, although I feel like a lot of the other traits don't fit and have never seen anyone suggest it as a possible point in my tritype

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    Thank you. I'm a bit tired, but I believe I get the gist of what you're saying : ) You're an IEI? I noticed you're also 4w5. I have a lot of faerie and such art too and a lot of usernames with "faerie" in them : ) I guess yours isn't a faerie, your pfp, but it's got the mystical woodland woman vibe

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I was unsure before but this one video has a distinctly j>p vibe to it. I have no better suggestion since it does look like you are an NF based on test results. I expected to see a bit more Ni in your test results but that is fine since no one I know has measured up to the average IEI on that test. I am not sure how the test is even scoring it but someone else here might. It has had the same numbers for "average" IEI since I first took it in 2014. It was probably based on a small sample size typed by the creator and is not adjusted by new test results which makes sense since it would skew the creators typings in some way. I believe the Fe average the test claims is too low for the average IEI or Fe creative in general. It should at least be equal to their Ne. If you are IEI I would say Fe subtype.

    Here is a chart of another IEI so you can see the lines they have marked for average IEI.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    @bouncingoffclouds you can try this short quadra test. I am suggesting tests because they are best done before you know the theory well. There is an added bonus of getting different type descriptions when you get your results. Happy testing.

    Socionic Club "Quadra"

    Test of the Megyed-Ovcharov

    Question # 1 of 4

    Choose a statement that suits you best:

    A. You like clarity and certainty in everything, so you are not inclined to change your plans, beliefs and habits. The uncertainty and multivariance of possible solutions annoys you. You don’t like to postpone anything “for later”, you are able to evenly distribute the load and fit into the predetermined deadlines. Prefer to have clearly defined tasks and a specific time schedule.

    B. You do not make clear plans for the future, as you like to act without preparation, according to the situation, counting on resourcefulness and luck. You are not very burdened by uncertainty; you like to have in stock several possible solutions to the problem. You easily switch from one case to another, willingly review your previous views and decisions. You find it difficult to meet deadlines, obey a strict schedule or schedule.

    Question # 2 of 4

    Choose a statement that suits you best:

    A. In your decisions you, first of all, rely on facts and common sense, without making them dependent on your feelings and relationships with others. You are able to logically substantiate your point of view, guided by arguments and evidence, rather than personal experiences. You think that it is more important to be right than enjoyable. Do not make undeserved compliments. Do not like to discuss other people's personal topics.

    B. You are deeply interested in topics related to feelings and relationships between people. You are willing to participate in the discussion and resolution of their personal problems, trying to improve mutual understanding, as you can’t stand the differences and insults in your environment. You like to compliment others, create a warm and pleasant atmosphere for communication. It is difficult for you to objectively evaluate those whom you sympathize with and those who are unpleasant to you. You can put personal relationships above business.

    Question # 3 of 4

    Choose a statement that suits you best:

    A. You are a realist and a practitioner, like to act more than to think, you prefer to do many things with your own hands, not trusting others. Willingly engage in household or practical affairs, take care of others. Your statements are concrete, you do not like assumptions and conjectures, as well as ideas and working methods not tested in practice. Attentive to details, willingly clarify everything and check what has been done by yourself and others.

    B. You are a person with a developed imagination, well foresee the further course of events. They are prone to doubts, are not always confident in themselves, often are impractical in material matters. Love creativity, search and experiment more than guaranteed benefits. You can easily guess what could be done and said by others and do not need to be clarified. Pretty scattered and reluctant to check what has been done.

    Question # 4 of 4

    Choose a statement that suits you best:

    A. You do not like to stand out among others, to show off your merits. Prefer to listen more to the interlocutor than to speak out. Do not strive to take the initiative and responsibility for others. You understand and understand your inner world, actions and motives, but you are not in a hurry to tell others about yourself and your plans. Personal self-esteem for you means more than the assessment of others.

    B. Your inner world is quite complex and contradictory, so it’s easier for you to characterize a familiar person than yourself. You tend to act recklessly, you can take on too many deeds or obligations. Need a change of occupation, take the initiative in new business or dating. Willingly share your experiences with other people and need their assessment of your personal qualities and the correctness of your actions.

    Results for an IEI:

    Yesenin (Intuitive-Ethical, IEI)

    Description by psychologist Elena Zamanskaya

    Yesenin often gives the impression of a person who, on the one hand, is floating in the clouds, estranged from the outside world, and on the other - incredibly contact, responsive, experiencing warmly and deeply. The mystery of Yesenin's mystery attracts many, but the Yesenins are revealed to the elect, to a small circle of close people who will be close or important to the changing movements of their souls.

    Yesenin can be called an idealist, collector and guardian of spiritual ideals of different eras. And these are ideals filled with experience, a deeply personal response to what is happening and is happening once.

    The trifles of everyday life in Yesenin’s perception recede into the background, and the main, fundamental ones are the internal, hidden currents of one’s own spiritual life. Responding with feelings to what is happening around, from a young age experiencing the deepest possible events inside, the Yesenins see the feelings and emotional experiences of other people, can recognize them by the slightest manifestations and predict them.

    The least practical of all the other types, the Yesenins live a completely different, non-routine, non-everyday life, all the subtleties and complexities of which are accessible to understanding only by themselves and those with whom they want to share.

    Esenins are usually easy and pleasant to communicate with, they follow the morals accepted in society, do not strive to stand out, be in sight, but they always leave for themselves the right to private inner life, the right to evaluate people according to their inner values, internal laws of morality , which Yesenin creates himself, throughout his life, relying on feelings and observations.

    Time, events and people in them are the areas of attraction of Yesenin’s interests. Life dramas, tragedies, comedies, farces that happen every day and always happen, from the very first steps of mankind, events connecting people and separating them, vicissitudes of fate, changing eras, mindsets, authorities - Esenin is perfectly oriented in this mixed stream of history and real life . Shadows of the past do not interfere, but rather help to see the present and future, create a background of the hidden meaning of existence.

    Easily breaking away from reality, Yesenin loves to plunge into the irrational world of dreams. Great subjects for such travels are given to him by art, literature in the first place. Following in his imagination the literary heroes, Yesenin empathizes, enriches his life experience, decorates rough reality with elegant beautiful plots.

    Cinema, literature, painting or psychology - this is an excellent reason for Yesenin to expand and deepen the range of his sensory experiences. Cultural events, works of art are perceived by him deeply personally, information is received, first of all, by the heart and imagination.

    And, of course, it is of great importance in what environment the personality of representatives of this type develops, is spirituality appreciated enough in this environment, is there an opportunity to break away from the purely everyday side of life.

    Yesenin was given the ability to foresee and predict. He is in invisible contact with the moods of society, separating them from his own. Esenin can feel the maturation of events leading to changes, the dynamics of such events very accurately. Especially subtly he perceives the approach of crisis situations. And usually warns his loved ones about it. Reports that danger is near and it is time to act. And he himself knows how to avoid and circumvent troubles, not analyzing events, but feeling them. Or wait, wait for the right moment, then to act quickly.

    The Yesenins are most often gentle, thoughtful, cautious in their statements, prefer to adapt to others without creating conflicts, professing the principle of "live yourself and let others live." But at the same time Yesenin remains with his opinion or in his stream of feelings and thoughts. And at the same time - open and receptive to new information, changing his ideas, if necessary according to the situation. Willingness to change, the ability to easily change plans to solve pressing problems and change the future for yourself, include others in your inner rhythm - these are Esenin's strengths.

    Most people of this team complement everyday life with self-contemplation and the desire for self-knowledge, for self-improvement. Understanding yourself, the answer to the question “who am I?” Are very important components of Yesenin’s life. Moreover, this question arises again and again throughout life, and the question itself, as well as the feelings, the emotional response that this question causes, are more important than an accurate, clear and finally reasonable answer. It is more important to be in contact with internal changes, to feel them. And having felt, mentally go to the future, to the “beautiful far”, since Yesenin is optimistic about the future, is set up to make it bright. And it helps others to believe in a bright future, which is especially true in troubled times, when there is no clear answer, what to do here and now.

    Esenin encourages others to act in a specific situation with an emotional effect on them. He knows how to influence the mood of people, but not with words, not with persuasion, but with an emotional outburst.

    Yesenin shows emotions at the very moment when they can and should be shown. And this is often not so much a reaction, a response to what is happening, namely an active impact. When to cry, and when to laugh - in the conscious control of Yesenin. Feelings will be completely sincere, but at the right time (and this may be the highest tension of feelings, or there may be a situation in which existing feelings become active) Yesenin will wait.

    Staying in touch with the feelings of a loved one, up to penetration into the most secret parts of his inner world, or feeling the emotional mood of the group, Yesenin is able to create the moods of people - both close and distant. Without hesitation, showing others his feelings, he can infect others with his mood, contributing to their emotional emancipation.

    Separately, I would like to say about Esenin’s very important quality - the ability to accept the emotional life of a loved one as she is. And only smoothly, unobtrusively and gradually try to harmonize it, make it more socially acceptable. Himself, being a man of intense emotions and a wide emotional range, Yesenin empathizes with the feelings of another and provides emotional and emotional support, understands and accepts a partner. And it can even justify some negative impulses, relying on its internal system of values, its understanding of morality and its vision of the dynamics of future changes for the better in a person.

    In a favorable environment, in a friendly company, Yesenin sparkles with emotions, jokes a lot, causing friendly laughter of others. He appreciates humor and is able to see the funny in everyday situations, in everyday life he notices many funny moments and likes to share them with friends, raising their spirits.

    Yesenin sees the mood of people perfectly. And distinguishes a social mask from a true, real state of mind. In communication refers specifically to the present state. It can cheer up, inspire optimism, tune in a fighting mood. Despite the fact that he himself is a dreamy and lyrical nature, he also has a lot of fun.

    But the true feelings of Esenin himself remain a mystery to many, since he is perfectly able to create an image that is suitable for the situation and allows you to hide your mood. This happens largely because Yesenin lives an intense emotional life, most of which flows inside, and wants to protect his mysterious inner world from encroachments from the outside.

    This world is so thin, fragile, elegant and vulnerable that Yesenin, even being in the center of attention, can selectively keep his distance from people who are not very pleasant to himself, who are unable to accept sublime and subtle feelings. And this invisible border is sometimes almost impossible to overcome if he himself does not want to let a person get closer. Moreover, it is not difficult to predict people's behavior for Yesenin.

    Esenin's pronounced attraction to the beautiful is manifested not only in his relations with people, interest in art, literature, poetry, but also in the desire to look worthy. The appearance and clothing in particular is of great importance to him. Clothing is also an integral part of the image, a reflection of the inner world and good taste. Yesenin tries to dress elegantly, and although it is quite difficult for him to understand as things, the style is usually chosen accurately. Even following the fashion or the norms accepted in society, Yesenin necessarily brings a particle of his personality.

    And he more than redeems the lack of the ability to create comfort and coziness of the home with others - the ability to maintain emotional comfort, attention to a person, tact and wise understanding of the features of another.

    Esenin's business activity is no less difficult. Practicality is not his strong quality, things often depend on the mood. And Yesenin will be very happy if there is a purposeful person nearby, with business acumen and firmly standing on material ground. A person who will take and do instead of explaining how. It is not recommendations that help, but concrete help. And I must say that Yesenin attracts people who are strong, influential, decisive. He brings optimism, the ability to create a fun atmosphere, fill life with spirit and feeling, smooth out conflicts and anticipate troubles in their lives. Next to such a person, Yesenin is able to show his gift of foresight to the maximum.

    Esenin will feel just as comfortable if the voluntary course of his life is guided by a strong-willed and active partner who needs a lot and wants a lot. Penetrated by an active and assertive approach to life, the legitimacy of rights to one’s own desires, Yesenin will feel much more confident and stable. It will be better to understand your needs and find your way to their implementation.

    He will do everything necessary for such an important and valuable person, he will try to ensure that his fate is as successful as possible, so that his life is not fresh, monotonous, and is filled both spiritually and emotionally. The ability to arouse a spiritual principle in people, to turn to the best in them, to have a liking for oneself, to arouse sympathy, to induce strong and beautiful actions is what nature representatives are generously gifted to, such as Esenin.

    * * *

    Yesenins are very different in childhood. From shy, modest and obedient to masterful, moody and impudent. Much depends on the home environment and parenting style. But parents will definitely have to get acquainted with the whole spectrum of emotions while the child masters his own feelings and experiences the feelings of others for strength. Unites children like Yesenin and a huge interest in everything new, a great curiosity for life. Such children are helped by loving parents who are authoritative in the eyes of the child. And little Yesenin with his charm is able to melt the heart of the most strict parent.

    Esenins usually study well at school, although rarely one of them has very high ambitions for knowledge. Many learn diligently so as not to upset their parents. Prefer humanitarian items. Sooner they begin to get involved in literature: poetry, adventure novels and books about love.

    They have many friends, communication with peers is a great pleasure. Having fun with everyone, participating in a variety of mischief, but come out of the water dry, not receiving punishments and reproaches from teachers. Teachers are often favorites, but relationships with classmates do not deteriorate because of this.

    And they themselves, becoming parents, behave gently with children, with understanding relate to the desires of children, are able to create warm and close relationships. But make sure that freedom does not grow into permissiveness. Behind the external softness of such parents is hidden internal obstinacy, thanks to which they peacefully but firmly pursue their educational policy.

    Attaching great importance to cultural values, parents like Yesenin strive to awaken in their children a craving for beauty. They themselves love literature, painting, music, history and create at home an appropriate atmosphere in which it is impossible to go past the spiritual components of life, not to touch subtle aesthetic experiences. Encourage the interests and hobbies of children, proud of their success. Many Yesenins love nature very much and the same love is instilled in children.

    Yesenin is often the soul of a small company. Many still keep the childhood friendship, carrying it through life. And, gathering with friends in the company, Yesenin just sparkles with charm, tells funny stories, makes fun jokes, paying attention to the ridiculous sides of events. He himself likes to talk, people are interesting, their stories, news. He listens with interest and attention, refers to those people who can raise their spirits and listen carefully to everything that is in their hearts.

    Esenin is attracted to people who are extraordinary, unusual, vibrant, capable of beautiful deeds. And although he waits for another to take the initiative, he creates all the conditions for its manifestation himself, sometimes resourcefully using small tricks.

    Yesenin is a special team that carries the entire content of our national mentality. The value of feelings and culture, the connection with history and tradition, a mysterious soul that cannot be understood by a Western pragmatic mind - all this is close and familiar to every person living in Russia.

    Yesenin seems to be away from the beaten track to success, from the triumph of technology, the rationalism of Western culture, but does not remain in the past, but follows his own special path, relying on intuitive feelings, not afraid of the unknown and change. Yesenin knows that there will be a holiday on his street, believes in a good future, no matter how tragic the past may be. More than any other type of socion, Yesenin feels the power of our roots, the depth and richness of our culture, feels its inextricable connection with the traditions of national Russian spirituality.

    Attention! If less than 70-80% of the description suits you, then most likely the socionic type is incorrectly defined. Take other tests or choose a different method, for example, read descriptions of other types and study the basic socionic models yourself or try to determine your socionic type on our forum "Psychology and Socionics" in the "Typing on the forum" section. Be prepared for conflicting results.

    and this test that was created by @Subteigh

    There is also the extended test with VI component here:

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  37. #37
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  38. #38

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    Looks more IEI than EII.

    (I love your dog btw.)

  39. #39
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesn View Post
    Looks more IEI than EII.

    (I love your dog btw.)
    lol thank you, I was wondering if anyone would notice her. I will do a questionnaire soon too, but I like these because they are more natural before I knew what socionics was. I want to say I won’t come off different, but never know subconsciously.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    lol thank you, I was wondering if anyone would notice her. I will do a questionnaire soon too, but I like these because they are more natural before I knew what socionics was. I want to say I won’t come off different, but never know subconsciously.
    I just can't help myself, I love dogs (all animals, tbh).

    Digression: Funny thing, we are probably conflictors. You look similar to my friend, which is probably IEI as well, though she is not sure of her type (and will probably come here for typing soon). It didn't stop us from being friends/pals, but who knows how would it be with closer distance. Maybe not as bad as socionics says.

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