View Poll Results: What is my type (especially if you've seen my videos)?

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  • ENFp-IEE

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  • INFp-IEI

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  • INFj-EII

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Thread: Am I EII or IEI ahhhhhhhhh

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    not to be pessimistic, but anything we'll say will be biased and won't help you define who you are socionically (if that even matters... which it doesn't). as @Aylen said, the best you can do is study socionics and start testing it on your skin, after all it's a self analysis tool, you should use it to help yourself, not let others decide for you.

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    I completely agree with you and was saying this very thing to someone else today. Thank you. Also yes, Aylen, "aesthetic" is something I hear a lot when people look at my room, instagram, etc. Beauty is basically a hallmark of my life.
    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    not to be pessimistic, but anything we'll say will be biased and won't help you define who you are socionically (if that even matters... which it doesn't). as @Aylen said, the best you can do is study socionics and start testing it on your skin, after all it's a self analysis tool, you should use it to help yourself, not let others decide for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    I completely agree with you and was saying this very thing to someone else today.
    ooo expressed redundant skepsis to Te region's objectivity and usefulness. Negativism is common behavior for weak nonvalued regions to which relate Te in her IEI type. Also with mistyping herself to EII (while she thought herself as INFP = IEI for long) it's harder for her to accept related to the typology and motivates to be negative to support her mistyping.

    Aylen and ooo are IEI and talking with them you may notice the degree you are similar with them. To check the possibility of IEI as your type.

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    Something interesting did occur today. NASS was sharing some stuff with me and this popped up. I had given my dad 4 type descriptions to go through before. Part of this happened too because of some arrogant kid quickly and severely mistyping me (and I think it involved a friends personal dislike and bias of me as well, it was a shitty experience), but insisting he was correct when he barely knew me and over the internet. He did point out my use and value of Ti, but attributed it to subtype instead...

    but this, my dad told me that this fit me perfect and that I did it a lot. Honestly it made me wonder if I'm evil or something, lol...and I searched high and low for which description it was in and today, I found it thanks to NASS, and it was in IEI:

    "May smile even when he is saying something unpleasant" ha I was not aware that I do this, but apparently I do it a lot. This could also be attributed to anxiety, but I think it's also my anxiety that has stifled and subdued me and I'm starting to break out of it, break out of my shell.

    "Poorly related to those who force him to work at an unusual and uncomfortable pace and rhythm. Hopes for leniency, indulgences, "smoke breaks" "

    "IEI will openly declare the stupidity and primitiveness of blunt force. Has a good sense of which kind of force to apply to achieve his goals. Resorts to forceful methods himself only when he feels a physical threat t himself or his loved ones. If he's in a constant state of discomfort, begins to behave provocatively, rudely and aggressively..."

    Now, I can't say I'm like this in all areas of my life at all and I can be diligent and I'm more tolerant with those in the outside realm, but I'm different within my inner circle and those I'm closest with. On the diligency though, unless it's something I value, I seriously feel like my soul is being crushed. I've struggled with working so much as a result. My therapist told me I need a bohemian lifestyle. I don't really want to live in a shack or anything lol, but I agree.

    I do come off composed though evidently when I give presentations. I hear that exact word a lot, to be honest which I guess supports EII. It's funny because I feel like I'm going to die prior to presenting and yet somehow I'm apparently composed. I think it's also a bit related to social anxiety and hiding it, maybe some perfectionism there which does support EII I think.

    Recently, I have had a vision, and I have crazy vivid dreams with symbolism and the like, also plenty Ne features there I think... I've had some that have made me know I have to visit a certain place in my life (Italy, India). I also know what my future is, I don't know what happened, but I suddenly got a clear picture of what is coming.
    Last edited by thegreenfaerie; 09-24-2019 at 07:02 PM. Reason: didn't want to further flood with responses lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by NASS CODA View Post
    Firstly, I think youre putting too much emphasis on subtypes over main typing.

    1. Where do you get that IEI-Ni's arent expressive artistically? Being a beta and using Fe would make IEI more expressive, no? EII's usually stay composed and consider norms/what's proper more.

    Gulenko desc:
    "The IEI is not inclined to save up money and keep strict track of his finances. May spend substantial sums on aesthetically pleasing, from his point of view, items that aren't always useful"

    2. EII-Ne is stated to follow fashion trends, bouncingoffclouds' sense of style and aesthetic is more individual and informed by personal taste.

    3. I think this could easily be attributed to the IEI tendency to doubt and hesitate in decision making. Also valued Ti, wanting the most accurate answer, considering from different points of view.
    "Intrinsically vulnerable, contradictory. Somewhat unsure of himself. Prone to experiencing doubts and fluctuations in arriving at a decision." -Gulenko on IEI
    1. Remember IEI-Ni are moving away from Fe which isn’t even their main function (so it is much weaker than it would be for an EIE-Ni). When I think of IEI-Ni artistic expression, @Aylen ‘s profile picture comes to mind. They move away from the Fe and indulge in the depth of Ni. Depth is always a goal for IEI-Ni’s while vocal expression of one’s self is more of a characteristic owned by IEI-Fe’s. As stated before, @bouncingoffclouds, going based on the images and posts granted, I do not perceive any evidence that she uses Fe on a constant basis, so at least with that we can write IEI-Fe off the table (No sign of being dramaticism, take this comment with a grain of salt). To reiterate, IEI-Ni’s goal is not aesthetics, it’s bringing light to deeps truths in reality (art is just a useful medium for them).

    Yes, EII-Fi are very composed and consider norms to fullest extent. Th Fi delta types use is all about that unlike the Fi used by Gamma which is focused on individuality. However, let’s not underestimate the whimsical nature of Ne subtypes in the Delta quadra. For example, you would be surprised how well a mature IEE-Ne can navigate themselves socially, they almost seem as skillful as ENFj-Fe. As soon as they get out of the formal social sphere, you will find very expressive artistic preferences. Of course the IEE-Ne will be more expressive (this is why their type description says love bright colors) than the EII-Ne, but this is due to less Ne in the EII-Ne. They (EII-Ne’s) aren’t far behind though.

    One more thing to mention, IEI-Ni’s do learn those practical skills that you mention for the sake of their loved ones. It’s in their subtype description.

    2. Fashion isn’t always well correlated with artistic expression. This is a common mistake made by modern day society; that modest dressing is consequence of a dull personality. I blame the surge of bohemian art in the past century. Another thing, we may disagree on this from a subjective perspective, I think @bouncingoffclouds fashion sense is modest (at least from the pictures revealed)

    3. Again I don’t have to look too far to make my point of this. Compare Aylen‘s posts and bouncingoffclouds’s posts. Classic example of Ni vs Ne. Brainstorming is not the same as “doubts and fluctuations” due to weak Se (Se dominants due experience doubts, but over different issues like assessing people’s talents) causing low decisiveness. IEI Ni thought patterns aren’t sporadic in nature.

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    I feel like I have good Ne and Ni to tell you the truth , but I see what you’re saying. Also I’ve been artistically inclined basically since I was born. It’s not really something I decided to work with later. I have and use plenty of images/pfps very similar to Aylen’s. I’m scattered in these types of posts because it’s not really my priority, I don’t want to dedicate too much time to it. I will do the tests later too. I also value Se to an extent. I value Ti and Se even if they aren’t my dominant functions. I do value Si too though. I agree mostly with the people who said I basically need to learn the system myself. Like I said, a real life friend chose IEI over EII, and I value that a bit more for I think obvious reasons, but they also didn’t know the depths of socionics. QUOTE=Investigator;1355817]1. Remember IEI-Ni are moving away from Fe which isn’t even their main function (so it is much weaker than it would be for an EIE-Ni). When I think of IEI-Ni artistic expression, @Aylen ‘s profile picture comes to mind. They move away from the Fe and indulge in the depth of Ni. Depth is always a goal for IEI-Ni’s while vocal expression of one’s self is more of a characteristic owned by IEI-Fe’s. As stated before, @bouncingoffclouds, going based on the images and posts granted, I do not perceive any evidence that she uses Fe on a constant basis, so at least with that we can write IEI-Fe off the table (No sign of being dramaticism, take this comment with a grain of salt). To reiterate, IEI-Ni’s goal is not aesthetics, it’s bringing light to deeps truths in reality (art is just a useful medium for them).

    Yes, EII-Fi are very composed and consider norms to fullest extent. Th Fi delta types use is all about that unlike the Fi used by Gamma which is focused on individuality. However, let’s not underestimate the whimsical nature of Ne subtypes in the Delta quadra. For example, you would be surprised how well a mature IEE-Ne can navigate themselves socially, they almost seem as skillful as ENFj-Fe. As soon as they get out of the formal social sphere, you will find very expressive artistic preferences. Of course the IEE-Ne will be more expressive (this is why their type description says love bright colors) than the EII-Ne, but this is due to less Ne in the EII-Ne. They (EII-Ne’s) aren’t far behind though.

    One more thing to mention, IEI-Ni’s do learn those practical skills that you mention for the sake of their loved ones. It’s in their subtype description.

    2. Fashion isn’t always well correlated with artistic expression. This is a common mistake made by modern day society; that modest dressing is consequence of a dull personality. I blame the surge of bohemian art in the past century. Another thing, we may disagree on this from a subjective perspective, I think @bouncingoffclouds fashion sense is modest (at least from the pictures revealed)

    3. Again I don’t have to look too far to make my point of this. Compare Aylen‘s posts and bouncingoffclouds’s posts. Classic example of Ni vs Ne. Brainstorming is not the same as “doubts and fluctuations” due to weak Se (Se dominants due experience doubts, but over different issues like assessing people’s talents) causing low decisiveness. IEI Ni thought patterns aren’t sporadic in nature.[/QUOTE]

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    EII’s and IEI’s have the same functional strengths just different values.

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    Starting to think it’s all crap honestly lol, nothing really fits entirely. With Socionics it’s like YES THIS FITS, and then suddenly something completely contradicts, more than on other typing system. With all type descriptions I have read, which have been a handful. I also feel like shit right now for multiple physical health and mental healthy reasons so

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    With Socionics it’s like YES THIS FITS, and then suddenly something completely contradicts
    1. the types should be correct
    2. there is core theory, and secondary where variety is higher. a part of the theory as Reinin traits and subtypes are not normal Socionics and baseless to do not use it
    3. types is _one of_ factors influencing on the behavior

    any tool should be used correctly to be useful

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    I am mostly modest yes, but I wouldn’t say extremely so.

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    Theories are approximations of patterns in real life. I believe a theory is best used when you accept there may be flaws and you look for and study these flaws (why did they happen, which of the theory’s axioms caused this flaw, how does it affect applications of the theory). This way you can be a better practitioner than if you took the theory’s judgement for granted. You can even further the theory’s correctness if you take this approach.

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    Thank you Investigator, yes I think you're right on the money. Someone told me Socionics is one's way out of typology lol, I'm starting to understand what they mean. I also consider where it came from, what era, why there is such political involvement and well to be quite frank there is a lot of sexism in many of the original descriptions. I start to think, what in the eff am I doing here. People are fluid and changing. People aren't stagnant and the same way from birth, that is absurd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Thank you Investigator, yes I think you're right on the money. Someone told me Socionics is one's way out of typology lol, I'm starting to understand what they mean. I also consider where it came from, what era, why there is such political involvement and well to be quite frank there is a lot of sexism in many of the original descriptions. I start to think, what in the eff am I doing here. People are fluid and changing. People aren't stagnant and the same way from birth, that is absurd.
    You are starting to get it. People are fluid and changing, but their actions are derivatives of cognitive function preferences (you don’t need to know about socionics to know this). So an INTp you see today may not act like an INTp you see tomorrow, but you see how their actions correlate with particular strengths and valuations of different functions so you concluded that both of them of were INTp.

    Things like descriptions and VI guidelines are merely tools to point you in the right direction. Judgement of types should not be made by these things alone. Socionics isn’t the Big Five (side note: Big Five looks like DCNH), a theory which prides itself on empirical findings; our strength is the rationalism behind our function descriptions. Our biggest weapon as socionists is our understanding of functions and we use this knowledge to extrapolate how different types will react to different situations. We should be able to deduce the actions of a person to high accuracy if we have access personable information (religion, upbringing details, current situation, current social and economic environment, etc.) about them. I believe that last point gets glanced over by a lot of people. Cognitive function theories try to provide technical details about a person, but have to be used with fundamental factors (personable information) for maximum effectiveness.

    Very good observations on past Russian cultural undertones pushed onto type descriptions. This would explain signs of sexism, but make sure that all these things are sexist. Neuroscientists confirmed that there are significant differences between male and female brains and maybe these neurophysiological differences skew many females and males to certain cognitive function preferences.

    I won’t talk much about what you said on stagnancy because I would need to dip into my neuroscience bag. However, I will say psychologist do say after a certain age, your personality does not show much deviation for the rest of your life. It also said that even for some children, their personality carries on for the rest of their life as well. I think that for the cognitive personality to change, a very traumatic event would have to happen. I believe for an INTp to change into another type like an ISFp, something physically harsh (which also brings along significant psychological strain) must of happened of them altering neurochemicals and for an INTp-Te to change to an INTp-Ni, something purely psychologically stressful must have happened, making them feel the need to emphasize a different set of skills to resolve or at least ease their current situation.

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    I’m judgemental but quiet and also very inspiring
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Thank you, I will check out that link you have as well. I was talking to NASS and some others in another server, and it just more and more is starting to point toward IEI more than EII. I present a calmer front, but those who know me know a bit differently I think. I'm also open to the possibility of being something else entirely. I will say that rule following is not really my thing. Not really. Lol actually... haha definitely not really, I'm thinking of work and school, I am not a major rule follower at all lol, though I probably come off as such.

    I was just talking about in a totally different place unrelated to typology too that I prank called the popo at 6 from a pay phone. I don't know if that means anything lol. I think I can come off prim and proper, but in reality, I'm not really.

    I can be judgmental, but the older I've gotten this has lessened and lessened a ton. I'm in the midst of some sort of transformation also however, coming out of my shell so to speak (I've said it before, but I have a lot of issues with anxiety, runs in the fam), so it's hard to say how I am in terms of tolerance with others. Seems to wax and wane.

    Back to the anxiety, I think the anxiety is another reason I tend to flood chats. I am constantly in my head.

    Another thing I was discussing is my aversion to focusing on physical/practical things, like perfecting my appearance, I have zero patience for stuff like that, I don't like spending time doing these sorts of physical things, I don't know how to explain it. If we are talking about something like riding rides at an amusement park though, yeah I love that. Or swimming, riding my bike, dancing. I just don't like spending time doing make up and stuff like that, but I like the result and aesthetic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I’m judgemental but quiet and also very inspiring
    Last edited by thegreenfaerie; 09-25-2019 at 11:28 PM.

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    " We should be able to deduce the actions of a person to high accuracy if we have access personable information (religion, upbringing details, current situation, current social and economic environment, etc.) about them. I believe that last point gets glanced over by a lot of people."

    I agree with this 500 percent, I say this stuff all the time when people are typing. People are wild in their typings and quick to do it so quickly, and over the net at that. Doesn't make much sense. I'm reading up on the temperaments right now and I'm pretty sure I'm not IJ, aside from the liking crisis work. I can appear like an IJ, but once you get to know me I don't think it's really the case. I've tried to develop a lot of IJ traits though, and I have, due to my background in behavioral health, losing my sister and, growing up. I'm a lot older than people probably think.

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    I'm still confused as hell, I read this and was confused as hell because I fit different ones in different areas, but I will say I noticed this (but maybe because I just want to settle on IEI at this point). These are literally my favorite sports that I mention preferring all the time:

    4. IP – Introverted irrational (perception-adapting temperament)

    Recommended sports. Gracefully rhythmic sports (swimming, riding the bicycle) or sprinting (short distance), jumping, etc.

    I also had some connections to EP, which it stated when IP is in it's more energetic state it can be like EP. I did fit some IJ though too and even some EJ, lol. I am ending this here. I will do a questionnaire and poll soon.

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    Default I made a video

    All right. I answered some questions, damn video came out to 27 minutes if anyone is willing to give it a look. I'm not really comfortable posting it for the whole board. I did this video in my worst possible physical state (just finally when I had the desire to do it ) and angle lmao, but man I did it so, any takers?

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    I’d like to see it.

  21. #21
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    Expose yourself to me, dual

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    Lmfao. Okay I’ll send a bit later today. I was tired etc., but I was also in my what I like to call “ISTP” (MBTI) mode Apparently it’s a phenomenon where INFP likes to pose as ISTP ;p. Nah I’m just kinda multifaceted like I said, chameleonesque. Am usually pretty girly (but with a sarcastic/dark humor etc. way), but can get into badass mode ;p

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Lmfao. Okay I’ll send a bit later today. I was tired etc., but I was also in my what I like to call “ISTP” (MBTI) mode Apparently it’s a phenomenon where INFP likes to pose as ISTP ;p. Nah I’m just kinda multifaceted like I said, chameleonesque. Am usually pretty girly (but with a sarcastic/dark humor etc. way), but can get into badass mode ;p
    Interesting. I'd say that your avatar picture is LSI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Interesting. I'd say that your avatar picture is LSI.
    Lol. I don’t think my personality is very different tbh I’m just in my hoodie flannel night shirt lol. I don’t really change personality lol. I’m rethinking this though because this board seems pretty brutal etc. My new avatar is a tarot card I pulled that reminds me of myself and my 2 sisters. It also tells me to travel 8) My last 2 avatars have been symbolic for me rather than a favorite aesthetic. I’m the green one. I should also note that one reason family is so important to me is because I lost one of my sisters. I feel like I have to say that as I mention family a lot which people consider in typing. I also live with my family at the moment. To me it’s also important to have relationships with people I truly connect with. I’m pretty selective with friends and such. I’m friendly and things and what was the word used... “pleasant”, but If people tell me to come hang and I don’t feel we connect much it’s like ehhhhhh, I can enjoy socializing at work and such, but I value my free time a lot

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    you're right, it can get pretty brutal, but if that happens you'll know you're dealing with morons who don't deserve your consideration.

    and if it happens, i'll kick their ass~

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    Yeah. I’m kind of judging who to send to lol. How helpful is voice only in typing?
    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    you're right, it can get pretty brutal, but if that happens you'll know you're dealing with morons who don't deserve your consideration.

    and if it happens, i'll kick their ass~

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    well I think it is a bit revealing, but consider that even video typing is far from accurate. you just need to go through a couple of video threads to see for yourself.

    in the end what matters is only your own idea, matured with time and knowledge, making a video/talk can be exciting and even awaiting for other's suggestions can be... but they're all still little patches.

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    I should also note that I don’t believe in tarot and such really, but there are good messages in the cards and I like it so When I was young I was always drawn to occultist practices such as tarot and astrology. I find my deepest spiritual connection in nature. My rational brain tells me it’s all silly af, but my heart is drawn to such, and I’ve been more open with it again. It’s fun. I looked into Wicca when I was young (had my first tarot deck at 12), but was turned off when it made mention of multiple deities. However, I since learned that it is not meant to be taken literally and rather viewed as archetypes, which is cool af. My last avatar was Phoenix archetype as I feel this archetype embodies me the most in my life right now. <—— also my sisters and I. I’m Buttercup (tho my dad said I could be Blossom, but nah)

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    Thank you for saying you’ll kick their ass lmao. My actual profile pic I think is more representative of myself btw. It’s a card called, “Awakening”, but I’ve always loved that pic before the card. Same artist, Emily Balivet. My all time fave that I feel connected to is this one by Kinuko Y. Craft... ISTj tho oooo imma read. I actually talk about in my video/s how I find mbti istj qualities endearing (qualities you find endearing that others don’t Lol)

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    list the istj qualities you have in mind pls

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    list the istj qualities you have in mind pls
    Lmao, I think it’s cute how serious they seem on the outside (or can, I know it doesn’t apply to all Istj’s), but it’s like a shell with a softer core, it’s fun when you penetrate it lol. I feel like it’s easy for me to see through the shell. It’s cute and endearing when their soft side shows and they get embarrassed. Honestly I can relate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    Lmao, I think it’s cute how serious they seem on the outside (or can, I know it doesn’t apply to all Istj’s), but it’s like a shell with a softer core, it’s fun when you penetrate it lol. I feel like it’s easy for me to see through the shell. It’s cute and endearing when their soft side shows and they get embarrassed. Honestly I can relate.
    See this post!

    I don’t do any “penetrating “ I just get frustrated and leave.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    I did this video in my worst possible physical state
    if you were not dead there, you may pm it

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    Are u gonna send ur video or what is this bullshit

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    Not to you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Are u gonna send ur video or what is this bullshit

  38. #38
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    behave numbo, im watching u

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    I've chosen to send it to one person so far, it's actually 2 video equaling about 45 minutes. I do apologize, I probably shouldn't have tagged this as VI since the video isn't actually attached to the post, I just wasn't sure how to go about it.

  40. #40
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    I think EII, tbh. Don't ask me why, I have no answers to anything in this life.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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