lol, he absolutely likes to shake things up
Quote Originally Posted by fresh meat View Post
I don’t think that entirely rules out Si ego, because I know Si egos who can’t relax and don’t like being still either. I don’t have a good idea of Si but I know enough to know that Si isn’t just “I know how to/like to relax” or “I don’t know how to/don’t like to relax” because it can overlap in ways. I know an ESE, for example, who is bad at relaxing and comforting herself but can make these feelings in other people (I think this is a common feeling for Si creatives).

It goes for Se/Ni too, because an Se ego might be good enough in Ni and poor enough in Se to appear Ni ego or vice versa. Ex. an ESI sacrifices a lot of territory/power for their main focus of relationships, so they will use more Fi and Ni and the Se might only be visible in what they do in relationships or the power behind personal ethics. SLE would mainly focus on territory/power instead of relationships, on the other hand.

I would say EIE is a good impression so far and if you relate to being unable to relax and like shaking things up then I would say look at EIE and SEE first, IEE second, ESE last. So far you show little inward looking in your replies and there seems to be a SeFe attachment to the environment and socializing that replaces this. Which I do too.