Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
ESEs are Fe+ leads, they are absolutely not attention seeking, disrespectful drama queens. Clearly the mockery of your simple toddler mind has gone over your head.
However, you are yet to provide evidence for any of your correlations. You can tell others how genius you are with all this unnecessary posturing all you want, but no one buys it. Also you (if I remember rightly) believe in God, therefore proving how dumb you truly are.
First of all, ESE is -Fe base. Being a blunt fucker and angrily telling others their bullshit is intimately related with -Fe. Furthermore, 95% of people believe in a higher power (in one way or another). You are saying 95% of humanity are retarded? Einstein for example was agnostic. Was Einstein retarded?

I don't care if any if you beta fuckers believe my correlations or not. Let's see for example what the reaction was of an ILI who posted in this thread: he realized there might be something to what I am saying, and came up with his own correlation, then asked me to discuss them. Mission accomplished (on my part). But from you ESE/beta fuckers, I expect very little from you. Keep on with you inability to type yourself correctly and your useless drama (starting a thread calling those who have valid alternative typings "retards", etc).