If something goes beyond the official texts given by the "respected authors", it does not automatically make it untrue. It needs evaluation like everything else. The way I see it, believing the trifix theory and not considering the possibility that something could be missing, is unreasonable.

Ftr, my soul is 1w2 and there is no way that I can fit that aspect of my personality if it's not adding the soul fix to my tritype. I could be an integrated 4, or it could be my gut fix, but there are problems with this. First of all, there's too much E1w2 for it to simply be an integration, and secondly I'm pretty sure my gut fix is 8w9. The other person I've tentatively typed using this system has a similar problem.

The only issue I see with this new spin is it's possible applicability. If it's hard enough already to get the tritype right (more so including subwings), with this it's even more complicated. You'd have to be a very good typer and know very well the person.

As a possible clue; if there is some sort of "overlay" type that permeates your personality, and you cannot fit it anywhere convincingly, it is probably your soul type.