The soul is about how one truly & deeply empathically connects with others. It has nothing to do with personal egoic identity which is naturally fragmented like a mirror that has been broken.

Spiritually speaking , only Oneness is true. Things like gay/straight, man/women, entj/infp, trump/hillary - even good and evil etc DO NOT EXIST. Only Christ consciousness exists, which is pure love without an opposite or something broken apart from it.

The more you see through the deception of Ego and the more your soul grows- (which can only happen btw by riding things out and living your life and letting the ego dissolve naturally), one cannot fight the ego with the ego- as the ego is just a shyster, the better your soul gets but there is no 'type of soul.'

So 'soul type' is the world's biggest oxymoron and paradox. It cannot exist. Practically speaking it would kinda be like being allowed to vote for trump and hillary at the same time, or physically be in two places at once. Or idk, being able to shoot fireballs out of your hands for real instead of in an IEI's fairytale fan fiction. You cannot do this corporeally or legally. There are 'rules.'

I come from a long line of ancient gay demons known as Chad'goths - but I understand God's rules well very truly.