Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
The soul has no ego, as such it has no "personality type." There is no soul center; to suggest there is, is to completely misunderstand the Enneagram. The entirety of the Enneagram symbolizes the soul's journey in life. It is definitely not equal to the heart, mind, or body, nor is it quantifiable by any means.

If those three elements are typeable (which are abstractions), why would the soul not be typeable?

By definition, the soul is beyond this material world.

It can still have a type, can't it?

Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
The instinct stacking changing per type in the trifix is something I can only see possibly working if it changes progressively according to the original "core" stacking. Your example has two different E types for Sp, along with a different one backing up the first instinct. It is too disconnected, too random, and it doesn't work with how the interplay of type and instinct is classically understood.

For example, So/Sp 358 becomes So/Sp 3, Sp/Sx 5, Sx/So 8.

And I am still quite skeptical about this idea of changing instinct stacks to begin with. There isn't a reason for this to be the case as far as I can tell, but if it does happen / exist, it must be demonstrated

This is a too bottled premise. I don't believe everyone follows this patterns of the same flow in each of the fixes. I think I don't. But it's possible.

Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
Connecting the Enneagram to Socionics is an ambitious attempt, but your thread on it is not at all convincing. You talk about Socionics subtypes, and that's pretty much it. Entirely unrelated to the Enneagram as far as I can tell.

It is ambitious, and IMO it is correct. The premise at least is, I might not have pinned down all the specifics yet. I see it pretty clearly that if we have a heart, gut and head fixes, we must have a soul fix as well. I've attempted to type myself using these expansions that you reject so disdainfully, and I have been successful. I've also typed one other person using them.