A simple thread, but an important one nonetheless. I will give insight into why it is important below, but reading my explanation isn’t necessary. All I want is for people to answer these simple questions: Which subtype from your own type do you like more and what is your own subtype? For example, if you are an IEI-Fe, do you prefer other IEI-Fe’s or IEI-Ni’s for romantic relationships?

Why this is an important thread:

If same subtypes in identity relationships are more compatible with themselves (i.e SLE-Se preferring other SLE-Se) than the opposite then this would show that intertype relationships with subtypes considered is reflexive. We already know intuitively it is symmetric. This means if it is reflexive then that we would just have to show transitivity to show that intertype relationships with subtypes considered is an equivalence relation (in mathematical terms). This would be a very useful property to be validated and it would be a big step in axiomatizing human interactions. Understanding the mathematics of human cognition would make it easier to program AI’s to replicate or predict human interactions.