Hey Guys.

Director Abbie, Hitta, lungs - I remember you guys.

Just wanted confirm since I'm sure you're all wondering, that Carlo/Raver died because of a brain aneurysm. He was on a trip in Las Vegas for a week with his girlfriend when it happened. He got a really big headache and then went unconscious in the ambulance; his girlfriend was beside him and holding him the whole time so he wasn't alone and she was saying he was having such a great time on the trip until that happened.

I hope he rests well in peace. The forum is a HUGE part of his life and I know he would be so happy knowing you all care about him so much.

I actually met him because of this forum. I noticed he said something related to Toronto (which is where we live) one time in the forum and told him I was from Toronto too. It turns out he was in the same university one day, so we met up (I stopped being active on this forum at around that time, and then fast forward 6-7 years till today).

At my birthday party in 2014 is where he met one of my other friends, who became his girlfriend, and they've been together ever since.

Here's a funny little video of him ordering food at my birthday two and a half months ago for us to remember him by!: https://drive.google.com/drive/folde...3N?usp=sharing