Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
Not too sure about this, but at the very least, Fi is being able to notice the energy connections between people and things, and of course people with other people, and whether coupled with Ne or Se, see their potential or see how you can act upon them. Beyond interpersonal relationships, Fi is also personal ethics, of course, which like Ti, fits statements in a particular framework, in this case an ethical framework. A question I guess I would ask is do you value what is being said and how that fits with your view of the world, or what is being said and how that affects the current emotional atmosphere?
I think the bolded is a skill I possess and definitely use. I’m not so sure exactly what personal ethics entails, but if it’s anything related to morals, I’ll say that I’m not especially concerned with them but I definitely have my idea of right and wrong when push comes to shove. It’s probably slightly more fucked up than the average person’s just because I’m an evil greedy Id type bastard in enneagram, but you can rest assured that I hate capitalism.

As for the actual question, this makes me like wanna drop out of typology just because these both seem like normal human things everyone values rather than a case of one or the other. But I might do the latter just barely more? I’m not sure? But the second question feels like a sheep thing or a hive mind type of thing which doesn’t really attract me. But truthfully I feel like both of those styles of thinking are useful and necessary for self growth. So my answer is maybe the latter.