Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
@Number 9 large Yeah bruh. That's called black and white thinking. I can't believe you're saying 6s are primarily a logical type, when they are in the reactive triad and primarily driven by fear. Logic =/= Thinking! you're saying no one else thinks, except for logical types and head types.

Wow, doesn't this sound like low T?
6w7s are often described as warm and a people-person, and here it is, from the exact same website you quoted. Especially with w7, I wonder why that is? Maybe because 7 gives an extroverted, less "thinking" or "logical" (from MBTI and socionics) approach, and a more outward approach as they externalise their fear. Of course, when they move to the outside, I wonder what they might find? People! Especially with a 2 fix.

Your way of "proving" this is by saying that if you don't feel, you must be a head type, if you don't think, you must be a image type, and if you just do, you're a gut type. What about the fears? How can you try to put logic like that in a system that's primarily about fears and emotions? Have you asked him if he's ever felt the 2s core fears, or do you think that just like the way you can rationalize socionics because it's a primarily Ti system, you can also rationalise Enneagram, with its complex fears which cannot be quantified, and by extension people too?

Also, all of this stuff you just "proved" is failing to consider the fact that ethical is a different word from emotional. An ethical type can be really calm and collected, and if the image you have of ethical types in your head is someone who can never prove themselves in an argument or is always governed by their emotions or whatever, it's wrong - which you seem to be implying by continuously highlighting that they have problems with logical solutions, and therefore cannot be a head type. You're also saying 7s derive logical conclusions when in fact a 7 can often derive conclusions based on their ETHICAL PRINCIPLES which is what ethical types are all about, rather than merely "feeling", because everyone feels. Thinking type =/= logical conclusions, thinking type = primarily in their heads, driven by FEAR.

Enneagram is about emotions. Stop trying to take them out of this. And if you continue saying that they don't measure different aspects of personality, which they do, you just look like a fool.
Girl went IN, well played.
As a 3w4, I wonder what that limits me to in his mind LOL.