Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
He is seductive, merry, has good people skills, for me its easy because ive already linked Fe lead to type 2 and since hes too ungrounded for ESE (or SEE for that matter), EIE seems to be the only type that remains.
Seductive = Sexual first (and ExFx)
”Merry” = ExFx plus Positive enneagram Type (all 7s seem “merry” even as Fi valuing)
good people skills = ExFx plus Social instinct
ungrounded = EP

Where’s the 2’s obsession with approval, their pride in helping others, their need to be needed, them losing themselves in giving to others, wanting to look like a giver or lovable person (image) etc?

The weaknesses he mentioned all sound rather like unhealthy 7 manifestations to me, no signs of unhealthy 2 afaik?