Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
Tell me how he’s a Type 2?

His post and lifestyle scream Sexual 7... adventurous, reckless, all over the place...

The centres in Enneagram do not entirely correspond to the F vs T dichotomy.

7 is characterised by a streak of hedonism and reckless adventure (at average to unhealthy levels). They lack or ignore foresight (which rules out Ni ego). Their focus is on unfiltered engagement/perception with the external world, which corresponds to EP temperament.

An average to unhealthy SEE 7 will tend to recklessly follow wherever their hedonistic desires lead them to without taking into account future consequences (well enough; SLE is similar in this). Their hedonistic drive lacks Logic. They will tend to do things that “don’t make sense” just for the excitement of it.

7s can have a lot of energy which seems to be driven by mental energy, because it is fear-based, and the idea is that fear in “head types” is produced by too much or misguided thinking. 7 and Ti PoLR can go hand in hand with underdeveloped logic in that manner. SEE (followed by some IEEs) 7s do not want to think too much, they just want to experience life to the fullest, YOLO, in order to escape the dread of existence. But if they are unhealthy (and esp SX first), it will lead to (self) destruction and chaos. Better Logic would serve them well, it would create order in their chaos, which they tend to reject (being Ti PoLR), but which they do need on some level.

To sum up... the hedonism in SEEs is quite emotion-driven. They will use their good ethics to aid their lifestyle. They tend to have an exciting (or crazy) social life, huge network, travel adventures, and the like (all corresponding well with the ESFp lifestyle) . Like SLE 7s, their life lacks a holistic future aim, if they’re average to unhealthy they find it hard to commit themselves to one path. For 7s, their life often lacks order, structure, a streamlined approach, which can overlap with Ti PoLR. The other side of the coin would be an ILI 1.
You make a good case for 7 but you forget that each center of intelligence offers a set of qualities inherent to the types in that center. For head types this would would include thinking as a main source of their intelligence. Ti is not only weak but also unvalued in SEE.

His reckless behaviour could be attributed to a Fe Se loop. Ni isnt always visible as its an introverted function and esp in Fe subtype can be hard to see the brooding side of the character.

Also his lifestyle doesnt fit in with Te valuing, more strictly Te HA. He doesnt seem to take it seriously and as such would belong to a merry quadra. + his Fe is all over the place (before u say Fe demo, Fe is subdued in a quadra like gamma. You can compare gamma and beta by comparing slytherin and gryffindor. The houses capture nearly the entire feel of both quadras respectively.)