Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
You stand out to me, and I support the typing of SEE, although I see where a Beta extravert impression is coming from, like SLE or EIE. Also, fuck biphobia.
Yep, people have always been split between SEE and EIE for me. To the point that it’s confused me about my type.

Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
You're like a much wilder, much more fun version of me. I relate to a lot of the things you mentioned! But I'm a 6 with GAD so there we differ.

I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Umi. We're both bi SEE Sags
bitch!!!! I knew there was something familiar about you

Funny, I actually got an IEE impression from you on here. But I think that’s mostly just your avatar.