LoL 'Soft appreciation' huh. I prefer hard appreciations.

But yeah I don't like when males are forced or socially pressured to be one or the other. Obviously bisexuality in males isn't going to be this thing where it's wrapped up in a pretty bow and the dude is going to equally be turned on by men and equally with women as some 50/50 thing but that isn't the point to me. okay maybe a guy likes girls 80% of the time, but 20% I can turn him into a big lustful perverted homo- he is still bi to me ya know so don't try to pigeon hole him.

Some guys might prefer to date women romantically but occasionally want to get gang banged by the men's football team. I don't see anything wrong or conflicted with that even. Dating guys has been kind of weird to me myself and I am more of a pure gay but I guess, I try to get over this.