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Thread: Curious to know what my type may be.

  1. #1

    Default Curious to know what my type may be.


    I have found my MBTI type recently and am now curious about my type in socionics, this is a repost of MBTItypeme questionnaire from reddit, hopefully this information is still relevant to be able to find my socionics type.

    I have attached a photo of myself for visual typing.

    Sorry for the post's length, and sorry if I have broken any rules as I am new to this forum.

    How old are you? Whats your gender? Give us a General Description of yourself?

    17 y/o male. I have been described as a quiet and mysterious individual who is hard for others to get to know. My close friends and family tend to criticise my disorganisation, lack of care for my appearance(I often appear dishevelled and unkept), and low self esteem which I have had for quite a while now. Friends and strangers tend to universally praise my work ethic, humor, and some my intelligence(which i frankly don't believe as for the most part I'm a complete idiot).I tend to keep to myself and prefer to constantly gather information on new concepts/ideas that interest me, only really engaging with people i find personally interesting to talk to and can learn new things from as well as not being afraid to criticise me I love to take criticism as a learning experience.

    Mental Diagnosis: Autism/High Functioning Autism

    Describe your upbringing.Did it have any kind of religous or structured influence? How did you respond to it?

    My unbringing did not involve any religion, however my mother has always held me to an extremely high standard that I was not always able to conform to as a child, which made me more micheavous in my early years while she was not around, as my life progressed I quickly mellowed out and matured as a person and my mother's high standards for me fell as she began to trust me more.

    What do you do as a job or career( if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?

    I am still attending school and plan to further my education to university (if all goes well hopefully), however I hope to be able to go into a Computer Science related profession as I find the subject extremely interesting to learn on the theoretical side of things as well as polishing programming techinques and learning about different programming paradigms. I actually really enjoy school* due to its learning aspect, although I do find the educational system to be highly flawed and it is something I will never fully support as long as it remains in its current state.

    What kind of activities do you prefer?Do you like and are you good at sports?Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?

    I most definitely prefer indoor activties to outdoor activities, I have always enjoyed reading non-fiction books on subjects of interest such as computer science, physics etc.

    Although I only like specific types of video games e.g Story-Driven Adventures, Puzzle Games, any variation of dark souls etc. I mostly dislike multiplayer games as I find them repetitive and boring. For the most part I don't enjoy any sports however I have always enjoyed playing table tennis and was somewhat good at one point, I am generally bad at most sports other than table tennis.

    How curious are you? Do you have more ideas than you can execute? What are your curiosites about? What are your ideas about etc?
    I can be extremely curious when it comes to any idea and always strive to see each idea through to completion/failure.I can become obessesed with even a single idea, if it makes sense in the context of ideas that have been already 'accepted'/make sense in my framework of ideas I have built up.My ideas are frequently about things we ultimately can't really know such as the meaning of life and the purpose of my presence on earth, although sometimes my ideas can be extremely abstract, which I can use for humor mostly. Most often, my ideas are usually linking two seperate ideas together or linking together something that may have happened in the real world to an abstract concept to try to improve my overall framework of understanding.I am absolutely terrible at executing any of these ideas and usually leave them in the theoretical state.I am usually curious about anything I don't know, which can range from small details about people's lives to the meaning of the universe's existence.My ideas usually revolve around the same topics as my curiosities.

    Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?

    I despise being put in leadership positions and would be completely ineffective as a leader.My leadership style would be to resign as leader immediately.

    Are you co-ordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?

    I have the worst co-ordination known to man. I am terrible at working with my hands although it can be enjoyable to play with circuit boards even if I am horrible at it.

    Are you artistic? If yes describe your art. If your are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forms of art you enjoy.
    Please explain your answer

    I enjoy art with a hidden meaning that can be open to interpretation, to allow the viewer to derive their own personal lesson from the art they can apply to their lives/ resonate with.

    Whats your opinion on the past present and future? How do you deal with them?

    I have a strong future oriented mindset, and love to visualise and analyse* possibilities for my future, although I tend to learn well from previous experience and remeber lessons learnt from previous mistakes.

    Whats your learning style? What learning environments do you struggle with most?Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorisation,logic, creativity or your physical senses?

    I am a visual/logical learner, I struggle most with overly physical environments that don't build up an understanding before experimenting. I tend to struggle in these environments due to my poor planning/co-ordiantion skills I can often lose track of what I'm supposed to be during a practical task unless a consistent routine is followed( this may be autism affecting me here). I prefer classes that focus on logic, memorization and creativity as I like to apply previously learnt information to new situations presented in a subject in a creative and original way.

    What are your fears?What makes you uncomfortable?What do you hate?Why?

    I fear being unable to keep accumulating new knowledge and experiences and my current knowledge suddenly being invalidated, I enjoy learning new things and if this were to happen I fear I would lose all sense of direction in life and have no wider goal to pursue.It makes me uncomfortable when I have to move out of my confort zone and have to take part in a highly physical activity, e.g sport etc. I hate when people diregard truth, or refuse to take into accouny new information as this contradicts the way of life I have built for myself and to me represents an extremely closed-minded individual.

    What do the highs in your life look like?

    The highs mainly consist of a large achievement finally being accomplished and me being able to reap the benefits of thus achievement in the future. During these times I am able to dislike myself at little less and try to see the bright side of situations.

    Whats do the low in your life look like?

    The lows consist of a lot of self criticism, self doubt, and nihilism. These lows go on for extended periods when they do happen but they happen infrequently. I am usually in a 'Neutral' state.

    How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?

    I usually can never make an important decision without considering all of the relevant information/ideas revolving around that
    decision first causing my decision making to take a long while before its complete.

    I am always open to new information/ideas when making a decision, causing me to easily change my mind when contradicting information has arised.

    How do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?

    I usually take long to process my emotions and can never know how exactly I'm feeling in the moment, due to this emotions take a back seat in my life, as I usually cannot process them until its too late and have a massive emotional reaction.

    Do you catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?

    I do catch myself agreeing with others outwardly to avoid conflict with others and to be able to explore the opposing idea my own to further my own understanding, my curiousity gets the better of me* and I rarely outwardly disagree with someone.

    Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?

    I don't actively break rules, however I find myself internally challenging authority and silently protesting it using smaller acts of dissent, I think authority should be constantly challenged in order to force rules and regulations to make sense to employees and to treat them fairly.
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  2. #2

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    You seem LII.

    Edit: this is unrelated but I think your low self esteem will eventually lessen. The more you live the more you see and the more you understand.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    You seem LII.

    Edit: this is unrelated but I think your low self esteem will eventually lessen. The more you live the more you see and the more you understand.
    Thanks for your reply,

    This seems to be consistent with the replies on reddit also, I hope that learning more about personality types can help out in the process of gaining confidence as well as deepen my understandimg of the world. Time will tell I suppose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpsilk123 View Post
    Thanks for your reply,

    This seems to be consistent with the replies on reddit also, I hope that learning more about personality types can help out in the process of gaining confidence as well as deepen my understandimg of the world. Time will tell I suppose.
    It's a good tool to understand where people's behaviors are coming from. In my case, what helped me was the both the negative and positive experiences.

    Especially intuitives, I noticed they suffer in those teenage years a lot. It was not the same with my sensor friends.

    And hard won confidence is hard to destroy, hope you reach this place soon

  5. #5
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    the talking style is closer to base T, than P types

    for VI is better a video

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