The fact that most women are genuinely this naïve is the only thing that I find completely alienating about them. They are like innocent little lambs and I am the tyger in William Blake's poems.

I'm not sure women are innocent minded so much as they understand that the perceived innocent person tends to be given the most power in the world. So whether they are truly innocent about something or not, they understand how easily other people are manipulated by innocence. Women are quite clever with this, and are better at watching what they say because of it I think. Sure, men are more aggressive and powerful but at what cost to ourselves?

I know what you mean though. I think they might be more naive/unaware of Betas doing this specifically (not naive in the general sense at all)- because they themselves aren't responding sexually to them so they aren't even really thinking how the Beta men want them sexually to themselves.

I think men are more hard wired to pay attention to everybody else's sexual agendas, including our own. Semen is magically objective power. Women, with the possibility of being pregnant and how that can change their life so much- are understandably more focused just on their own.