Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
Loled at your post omfg.

Actually, my bf has also told me he thinks I'm manly, although not in a negative way, so he thinks I'd be aesthetic in a masculine way too. I am also taller than him.

And the ****** thing comes from an SLE male friend of mine telling me that everyone thought he was gay in highschool, actually.
I do aim to please. Tomboys are a well established fetish by this point. As are girls who are bit more "toned" than what most would consider normal for women. A recent anime has one such girl as a primary member of the cast. She's quite girly/feminine, but also a bit more muscular than normal. Just a little experiment, name what I'm thinking of and I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Do you suppose it’s due entirely to ‘models’ that women don’t shoot up schools? I wonder.
There's a whole lot I can get into there. However, let's just say that a girl of any kind going on a killing spree with an assault rifle wouldn't exactly fit the narratives the PTB are trying to push right now. Also, MK-ULTRA, look that one up. Whenever you hear of a mass shooting after knowing about that, yeah, not surprised or even shocked anymore.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
How impressionable would you say you were/are to role models?

I don’t think, as a kid, I had any. Or perhaps if I did they were a small handful of female teachers and librarians — but I’m not sure how much influence they had on my personality. I grew up fairly isolated, and that’s caused certain problems for me, so I’m interested in others’ perspectives on these kinds of things.
Depends on how badly you want/need a "role model". I never wanted or needed one very much, but that's because I apparently qualify as a religious fanatic insofar as I have always regarded the ultimate role model to be Jesus Christ and worked from that starting point for as long as I can remember. Dude did say and believe some very radical things, but he also had absolute confidence in his own words "being correct" to the point that he didn't use violence to push his views upon others.

I mean, if you really are "the truth" incarnate, that ought to show in ways anyone not opposed to you root and branch will be able see and grasp. Given how that religion has spread primarily through persuasion and words rather than swords, cash rewards, and other such worldly considerations, well, that's just another point in its favor IMO. Plus, I mean, the witch test works pretty damn consistently. Who needs a pile of wood or something when merely asking someone to say a string of words they need not even mean works just as well .