Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
The other day my boyfriend told me that he thinks I would be extremely handsome if I were a guy. I don't really think so though. If I were a guy, everybody would probably think I'm a ******, idk.

I think my life as a stereotypically masculine personality in female form is fun and interesting. I'd probably be an incredibly boring individual if I were a guy. Also I would be much more paranoid of getting arrested just for existing.

I'd probably have no incentive to take care of my appearance and health (thanks to having to attract visual-oriented mens and pop out babies), and just die of diabeetus at an early age. Also I wouldn't care about being a good person and social as much probably, and would never develop as a human being.
Why do you think you’d care less about being a good person or not develop? Expectations for women that don’t exist for men?