Honestly I don’t really see the advantages. From my perspective it seems that women are constantly put under a great deal of pressure to look “attractive” at all times, so I’d be required to take meticulous care of my physical appearance, which sounds like a a lot of work and also feels kind of soul-crushing in a way. With this I don’t mean that I disapprove of people who enjoy taking care of their appearance, it’s just that to be required to do so feels kind of wrong. Why should I care whether or not any random douchebag on the street thinks I’m beautiful?

One of the advantages of being a guy is that you can put on whatever and almost nobody will give a shit. You just get to be kind of... invisible, I guess.

Also, maybe I’ve been spending too much time on the internet but it feels like there’s still an outstanding number of misogynists in the world. No, thanks.