Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Than I ask you to actually apply it, to stand by your own convictions in it. To acknowledge it openly as "your god" and to follow through on that assertion in having full faith and confidence in it. If you can, I will be both genuinely surprised and more than a bit happy for having done that you will, in time, come to see that faith in Jesus the Christ is indeed correct. Human reason leads to truth, God is truth, thus reason, uncorrupted by diabolic forces, will lead to faith in God. Sad to say, however, that we call him "the lord of this world" for a tragically good reason .

Case in point? The crisis I mentioned above. "Science" is a replacement faith for many. No wonder they bow to those "credentialed" asshats as if they were priests whom they think they are immune to things like dumptrucks full of money without a true spiritual foundation. Glyphosate is totally safe, safe enough to drink right out of the bottle say the experts! Scientists find adding Mercury to the vaccines to be beneficial to everyone's health! Epstein totally killed himself says the 22nd 11yr old coroner picked by the newly formed house committee full comprised of former CIA assets!

I wish, wish, I was kidding here, truly I do. But I am not. Find yourself a real God dude, you'll be much happier once ya do. I recommend Jesus, but if you need a stint in some other faith I understand. Stop trying to please the lord of this world at the very least. He can only offer you misery and despair in the end.
It isn't strictly a matter of "loving" science and things associated with science such as nuclear bombs and so on (which I may well do). It is a matter of following what I believe to be true. I don't "have" to love it, unlike Christians having to love "God". It is a big mistake to mix up truth with aesthetic choices. Faith is also contrary to the spirit of establishing the truth. Faith stops reason, it stops questions. ("I once asked the Lord why so many people are confused and He said to me, 'Tell them to stop trying to figure everything out, and they will stop being confused.' I have found it to be absolutely true. Reasoning and confusion go together." ~ Joyce Meyer).

I rejected the god of the bible when I was about 7 for aesthetic reasons, as I objected to the use of genocide and torture. The lack of evidence for this god was of lesser importance.