Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Satan is eminently rationalizeable, just start trying to out hipster a real hipster. Pathetic yes, but so is Satan. Now, by the same token, try to out priest a priest. You'll sadly be able to do that with quite a few of them but once you finally come across a real one you'll get what I'm getting at.

You could also shock me right here and now if you pass a witch test. I have already sung false praises to Satan so as to prove my good faith to the fallen, can you sing false praises to Christ in turn while being as blatantly insincere as I was in my recorded blasphemy? Can ye even in jest say the words? I bet not. Prove me wrong.
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Asking people to pass a "witch test" sounds like you learned it from an anime or some fantasy novel and not actual information based on history and the witch trials. You do realize that even a "possessed" person or satan himself would pass your "witch test" easily. I feel like you make a mockery of it all doing this. I may not consider myself a Christian anymore for my own reasons but I find this pretty offensive when you asked people to do this. Witch burnings were no joke. So many innocents killed in the name of religion. Many of them probably just for using herbs to help heal or something else very benign. Others because someone wanted their property and saw it as an easy way to get and then we have the ergot poisoning, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

I also find it strange that you would blaspheme as a true believer. When I was one I would have never praised satan even as a joke and definitely not in arrogance in an attempt to get someone to praise god then to blaspheme him after. Something does not make sense about all this.

2. Prayer Test
Medieval wisdom held that witches were incapable of speaking scripture aloud, so accused sorcerers were made to recite selections from the Bible—usually the Lord’s Prayer—without making mistakes or omissions. While it may have simply been a sign that the suspected witch was illiterate or nervous, any errors were viewed as proof that the speaker was in league with the devil. This twisted test of public speaking ability was commonly used as hard evidence in witch trials. In 1712, it was applied in the case Jane Wenham, an accused witch who supposedly struggled to speak the words “forgive us our trespasses” and “lead us not into temptation” during her interrogation. Still, even a successful prayer test didn’t guarantee an acquittal. During the Salem Witch Trials, the accused sorcerer George Burroughs flawlessly recited the prayer from the gallows just before his execution. The performance was dismissed as a devil’s trick, and the hanging proceeded as planned.


Is this what Catholicism is like now? Has it reverted to superstition and witch tests? None of the Catholics I know would ask such a thing of anyone. They also wouldn't praise satan to make a point.