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Thread: Logically rationalize God

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Beyond the Pale
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    God is the Universe. Since the Universe has order, Cartesian dualism is false, and it's possible (though not a given) to create and find objective meaning outside in the world, never mind that mind and personality must be part of the grand order of things in order to reject dualism and thoughts cannot be epiphenomenal in an non-dualistic universe, it makes much more sense to say there is a God than to say there is no God based on the definition of a god despite the common logical argument that pantheism is atheism.

    It's also possible to be a god. Some organisms don't die, though all people that we know of have died as far as anyone knows. Bio-electro-chemical processes sustaining life of an organism are interesting and complicated and potentially reversible and capable of being prolonged indefinitely. I don't believe such processes have been transferred to some sort of "spirit" floating around in any case ever simply because Heaven is for dweebs but I wouldn't completely rule out such a phenomenon. Throwing lightning bolts, flying, turning invisible, reading minds, etc. is definitely possible but usually not cost effective once you take the actual means of doing "magic" things like that into account. People said lightning is a god, money is a god, etc. so being one with that is the same. So the Universe is God and if you channel it you can be a god, and if you go against it (via deception) you can go against God and go to Hell.
    Last edited by Metamorph; 09-09-2019 at 06:44 AM.

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