as the God mb said a "general image" of all forces which create Universe in every moment
a metaphor by an image
there is a religious state of unification with the God. God is felt as allmighty loving light. it's an image. religious people understand that what they see is only a representation in their perceptions and feelings. God itself is said as beyond human mind. they may belive it's real much because in this state what they ask they later may get. as example of questions - is asking about other times - people get visions about the future. as prophets were named those who used alike technics to answer the questions - as they never mistaked they were named as prophets, the ones who talk with God. but anyone may do the same. this state can be achieved in common preying - by emotional concentration on God as it's understood in monotheism

this should be clear enough for logical approach and atheists, meanwhile fits to religious view also: system of factors of the creation - what makes the universe in the different moments of the timeline, reason-consequence links of objective factors which are known and unknown + trance psyche states which represent this system from the start of the time