How many years have humans been celebrating some kind of god, goddess, or any greater power? How many different worshiping ways have humans created to express faith? Each individual has a differing faith, and in a way, science can also be seen as a kind of religious thing as people will believe science holds the key to understanding the univers, sort of as religions do. There are so many, so if this higher power isn't true, it at least leads to the need people have for beliefs.
Spirits, gods, nature, the sun, demons, angels, and what not are all ways people have found to make sense of the world we live in, people are craving sense, to understand, they want to know why we are here. Some people think it's random and no higher power exist to lead the way, we have no proof of anything, beside a few people's very personal experiences. I guess we can all find proofs if we wish so.
For most people, religion seems to be more about where you were born, we tend to adopt what's around us, what we are told by the people who care for us as children. Of course, convertions happen.
In the end, I think religion, faith are personal matters that can bring people together if used on the basis of becoming a better person as each religion seem to contain some form of "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" which isn't the best thing to tell someone who hates themselves... wth brain... anyhoo.
All I am sure of about faith is that it should come from within and not without, i.e. putting your life in some guru's hands, it's why the toughest part of any spiritual teaching is to know when to let the student down, like a bird pushing its young out of the nest so they can fly.

I am also looking for faith.