For me I always look at it from a evolutionary biological perspective nestled in an understanding of ecology. I also see some force, just on the periphery that is barely observed, yet always subtly present.

I used to be agnostic, then breifly a Christian, then an athiest, then back to agnostic.

See I don't think that random slow chance leads to the species diversification that we see today.

I don't think that the arrival of cell encasing and molecular gene replication could have developed and arrived on prehistoric Earth without some sort of unknown missing variables.

If it was as easy as chemicals and some lightening in a bottle they would have demonstrated it by now. No new life.

There is an idea flouting around that cells developed inside the latticed framework of certain types of clay. What this means was that LITERALLY life came from the dirt, molded from the clay...the same story as the Bible genesis story.

Lame logical people will explain this off as being just a neat chance, just random chance, that the story we tell ourselves about our origins could not possibly have anything real and insightful to say about the true investigated story, but wink wink I know better, because there are no coincidences.

They built a satellite, James Webb, that will be able to see further into the past time, sorry I meant into further distances, then Hubble ever could.

This means that we will be able to see time just after the Big Bang, within thousands of years. We will literally be able to see the beginning of the all macrocosm with our own eyes.


I'm not sure I believe in God as He is portrayed in the personal God story. And I def can't beleive in the towering God in a cloud watching our moral failures and accomplishments, taking notes and dishing out just desserts.

I also can't believe in the God of man who picks and chooses who succeeds and who does not.

I can;t beleive in the God moving and shaping the elements as our raionality has firmly pierced these mysterys over the centuries.

Yet even still, to me, there is something going on beyond our ability to sensate it and I think that we won't be able to overcome some of the big hurdles in our current physics (the gravity issue for one, the micro particle exploration, I mean how many more are we going to find? the bimercural mind, the list goes on and on), without coming to terms with things that science has rejected for a long time. Necessarily rejected to escape dogmatism, but unnecessarily removes people's souls from spirit.