Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
I'm the total opposite as this statement.

I was seeing this guy a few years ago who played these psychological head games and it was fucking hell on Earth. One time I rushed him and pushed him down and was going down on him and he FREAKED out and made me feel totally awkward and wrong... this was the total reverse opposite reaction as my good ex would have had so there was def some very incompatible chemistry going on. Our time together was the worst and most scarring interplay I've ever been through.
That does sound kinda crappy. Well I guess it's not for everyone.

I love knowing someone wants something from me and teasing like I'm gonna give it to them, but not yet, it creates an excitement before they actually get the thing, and I love controlling that psychological excitement, getting so close but not close enough, controlling how much the desire grows, I see no harm since the person is gonna get what they want but it will be in a mkre exciting and satisfying way. I also love being unpredictable and making the person feel like they don't know what I'm gonna do next, once again it's exciting. That's the kind of psychological dominance that makes sense to me.