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Thread: Is this a Fe valuing thing

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Is this a Fe valuing thing

    Do you think this is a Fe-valuing thing:

    I had to call two different ppl at the doctor's office to make an appointment. The first time I called... the person was overly serious in a weird way and took everything I said too seriously, and seemed to be very anxious which made me uncomfortable and she did not understand me well at all, it almost felt like she was following a script. When it was over it was just like 'well... that was awkward.'

    The second person was super nice (as well as clear & direct and more light-hearted), and went out of her way to make sure I understood her and was even a bit "motherly"/just more nice and sweeter. She understood me incredibly quickly when I talked, I didn't have to repeat myself to clarify anything at all.

    Or was one person just rude and weird and the other had better people skills and it had nothing at all to do with socionics?

  2. #2
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I bet IEE's gone wrong are the best manipulators. They listen ask questions and finally agree. It is funny to see some people when it looks like their ego has been petted in the right way. I would never do that neither I accept it ̣̣- be ready to debate about my deficiencies as I do not accept compliments easily. Maybe that is the way Te wants it but there is a big but.

    There exits another layer and that is seeing behind of things that is not socionics ethical in nature. If a person has problems with it they will follow a standardized script.
    and also:
    Ti generates good guesses. It understands the basis logically and generates theories allowing internal continuity. It does not wallow in yours and own feelings like Fi type does (it is funny how it works ̣- there exists Fi subspecies called empathetic vampires which makes you internally pale). Instead it calls a stop.
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  3. #3
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Do you think this is a Fe-valuing thing:

    I had to call two different ppl at the doctor's office to make an appointment. The first time I called... the person was overly serious in a weird way and took everything I said too seriously, and seemed to be very anxious which made me uncomfortable and she did not understand me well at all, it almost felt like she was following a script. When it was over it was just like 'well... that was awkward.'

    The second person was super nice (as well as clear & direct and more light-hearted), and went out of her way to make sure I understood her and was even a bit "motherly"/just more nice and sweeter. She understood me incredibly quickly when I talked, I didn't have to repeat myself to clarify anything at all.

    Or was one person just rude and weird and the other had better people skills and it had nothing at all to do with socionics?
    People can get very nervous over the phone, it sounds like the difference between the two people was their experience. I think both Fe and Fi can be very useful, but to be "motherly" to be comforting, that is usually some Fe Si combo. I had to cold-call thousands of people for a sales job, the people that I thought had ego Fe Si were all about making the person on the other end of the phone feel comfortable. They tried to relate to things in their life and tried to make themselves as your non-threatening mom or grandma or SO that's going to fix you up.

    It is actually funny to see different people use their ego functions in sales. Se types tend to think sales is a contact sport lol. They were completely different.

    If your question was to find out if you were valuing Fe from that interaction then I don't think that it will help you. I do think that an Fe valuer would try to get the first person's energy up a little. I'll usually tell a little joke or try to at least be humorous when dealing with people like that. When I was younger I was getting fired in my manager's office, they were so obviously uncomfortable I ended up trying to make them feel better about it.

  4. #4
    jughead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    I bet IEE's gone wrong are the best manipulators. They listen ask questions and finally agree. It is funny to see some people when it looks like their ego has been petted in the right way. I would never do that neither I accept it ̣̣- be ready to debate about my deficiencies as I do not accept compliments easily. Maybe that is the way Te wants it but there is a big but.
    I can confirm they can be manipulators. They stroke your ego until your so full of it you'll accept anything they do. Then you snap out of it and be like wtf just happened.

  5. #5
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Probably a mix of both socionics and social awareness:

    -Socionics will affect how you maneuver yourself within these social contexts, although particular elements like Fe and Fi can make things better or awkward in certain situations:

    Fe - good at smoothing things over outwardly especially if they are socially aware

    Fi - can *sometimes* be outwardly awkward especially if they're socially unaware

    -Social awareness is being aware of the perspectives of those around you. Being able to empathize with them. It's built overtime by interacting with many types of people in different social contexts.

    All types can do this.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 10-13-2019 at 09:13 PM.

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