Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
Aw, I'm glad you pretended. It would be rough if the person started talking and you had to follow through, lol, but it sounds like you saved her feelings.
Ha. I doubt she’d be all that broken up about it, really.

This has only happened to me like twice? in my life, so generally not an issue. But I'm terrible with names.

It actually happened today, so it's funny that you made this thread. Well, maybe it happened today? The man collecting tickets at the state fair looked SO familiar. I mean, he could have winked at me coincidentally but I doubt it. It had to be because we knew eachother, right? (Winking sounds like there was funny business, but it was like a wink from an uncle.)

As for types, I hear about things like remembering shirt color being associated with Se and this is similar.
It did happen today. Blame something astrological.