"If you have, or know of, a gallery or Pinterest specific to the VI of celebrity types you can now post it here."

Formally, it's unclear was VI used or not for a list. In general, typers take into account intuitive impressions and associations which are under strong influence of visual information they have. But if you'll ask - some may do not confirm this, as to use an intuition mb seen for them as not scientific (what is funny, as in Jung's types it's one of 4 functions). Though nonverbal specific impressions for types were mentioned since Augustinavichiute's texts, I seems was the 1st who have given the clear description of intuitive approach of VI and later in 2015 made experimenting proof that this approach is useful (by average typing match higher than accidental, up to ~20% in the experiment on the socioforum).

It's useful to make a note in the title message, that VI has 2 appoaches: 1) physiognomic of how people look and 2) intuitive which is based on impressions from nonverbal. It's not the same to join in just "VI". A minority of typers may use a physiognomy (Duhovskoy, for example). But it's doubtful to exclude that someone totally ignores intuitive approach, especially if a typer has N type. There are cases when typers may agree to type without visual info, but mostly they prefer to have it as IRL interview, video or photos, at least. Those who use physiognomy may do not ask for more than photos, while the rest should point that video or IRL would be better.