Quote Originally Posted by Anagata View Post
Yes, I've mentioned at my replies that in my country, social norms also based on Fi characteristic
the said about social norms in the connection with functions is universal, not specifics for some nations or places

It mb added, that Fe can represent subjective views also. When some human thinks something as objectively decent and mb even more decent than common Fe norms. We may get a join of Fe and Fi, as that human likes more that behavior, and in the same time thinks about as good for all (Fe region).

Pairs of functions with different E/I mb said as describing the same from different sides. The both work in the same time - one in the attention and the other in the background, in a shadow, as a filter. The reason why both functions are strong in the model, - both F, T, S, N; not possibly to have strong Fi and weak Fe, - as both work together.

Fe types have lesser of consciouse compassion, but the norms they wish are directed to make better feelings in people. Those Fe norms are created as a generalization of Fi needs in everyone. In the same time - what people wish subjectively (Fi) is defined by what is objectively good for them in average (Fe). Fi follows from Fe, Fe from Fi.

IR effects where we perceive some people as better for us is a result of our psyche distortion, our perception of people and life values is distorted. Objectively all 8 functions are equally important for the life. But we tend to close our minds from some of them, to dislike or reduce consciouse caring there. Jung types make us to understand and accept only a part of our true Self, - while the rest is shifted to lesser consciuse regions of our minds.

Jung never supposed types as something good. He wanted to reduce them in the psyche to allow it be more effective and healthy. He tried to do this by rising in the consciousness the contents of unconscious/weak function. So types were used as a part of his psychotherapy.
Duality adds to this alot. Duals are natural helpers for our psyche and minds to become healthier and stronger, not only ones who may take care about us in weak regions. We study at them to use weak functions. The best this happens in deep love and friendship relations, when borders between peoples minds become thiner, when we introject personalities of each other. In this process we not only get traits of other human but also more completely understand themselves, more consciously connect with our Self.

> On the other hand I'm totally troubled when i'm obligated to take that relationships deeper with the cost i have to use Fe too much, without any Fi used, and become tired

You may become tired from disbalance in the consciousness of any functions as they all are important equally. When you have no this - your unconsciousness deals with that, may oppose and you feel this as having lesser of energy, or by other neurotic region symptoms.
The other trouble may follow from our types. We need additional resources to switch to nonvalued functions. So in bad IR we feel tired more quickly. Conflictors give this the most.