Quote Originally Posted by faith View Post
First two point towards Fe, third and fourth Fi, last one makes me confused *shrug* I can never get a reaction from an ILI, and the only people with that ability is high Fi.

Ok, I think I judged you too quickly since this isn’t your first language, but if you a native then I stand by my judgment. I’ve noticed xLE of different cultures vary quite a lot.
Hmmm guess i need to explain then.

Okay, i don't know where do you come from, but my country is very ethic valuing. In our culture, straightly saying what you want without smoothing it with small talk may perceived as rude. The thing is just 'act nice' is not enough, especially with people you may frequently meet. You need to be 'connected' in a familial way with every people, as much as you can, so you'll have more people to help you later when you need it. It always encouraged in school, college, workplace, or any community possible. In this country we somehow believe that no one can live alone in the end. What they mean as 'not alone' is to have a relationship with everyone. (Plus this people don't see conflict as desirable and avoid it as much as they can)

Just looking from how people typing someone in this forum, it wouldn't work well with our people. You might be mistyped some Fe PoLR for being able to do small talk nicely, or mistyped some Fi PoLR for valuing relations with everyone. In the other hand you may see some ExI would never being stubborn about their values and 'agreeable' in the surface. Well rather than thinking it as our genuine value, we just thinking it's how we survive in this place. We do it mostly bc that's how we taught. Everyone who doesn't blend with this system deserved alienation. Guess that whatever type you have you still want to be accepted in so many ways.

Guess i have no prob with keep acting nice, smiling with stranger or escalating the mood with other person in general. I could do it in the way i look like blend on the surface. But to do it frequently, while i have no real bond, to everyone, everyday, is very tiring somehow. I ended up looked as unreliable and having no commitment by others. My highschool friend already said how rude i am for haven't contacted them for a year when we already separated and most likely would never meet except for school reunion.