Quote Originally Posted by Anagata View Post
That one. Is the one that makes me confused all the time. I realized that sometimes their intentions are different from how they act. I often encourage them to let me know but in the end i know they won't even tell me all (mostly because they're in denial i guess). In the end i gather all the possibilies, but then fed up and leave. But must of the time i also dont care as long as it seems nice from the surface.

For your example, i guess i kind of understand it. But the thing is i don't want to assume what them feel. I keep it neutral as how i see it neutral too. The problem coming after it's too late. It seems like they hide everything until things become complicated and hard to solve.
I think in denial is one reason, but people don't trust at the same speed. Like maybe some people don't trust other's enough to let them know all their motives, or they don't want criticism on who they really are and they anticipate other people using their secrets against them.

I know for me, I don't trust everybody to let them know everything inside. And sometimes I don't know what people will think if I showed my true colors.

Life can feel like you're a virigin at a frat party, the minute your secret gets out your screwed lol.

In more real terms, people have secrets, things they simply just don't want other people to know or aren't ready to talk about yet.

If find it weird when people expect you to be so open with them after only having met you, it's like "bruh I don't know you like that.."

I also think it's hidden because liek you said they expect you to be able to pick up on it.