Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
Regarding Greta's transportation: She would have been called a hypocrite if she'd taken a plane, even if it was an empty seat on a plane already making a flight. Voting with our money is a common way of showing what we support...and what we don't. Paying for the seat, would mean supporting flying. Accepting a free seat would have meant advertising for flying.
...As is, she took a solar powered zero carbon emission yacht. Presumably to show that zero carbon transportation across the world is a legitimate possibility. As for the train use, high speed rails are more energy efficient than planes. It might be slower, and more personally expensive than a plane, but it trades the convenience of fast and cheap for the convenience of using that time in productive as well as relaxive ways.
Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
All of that is just perception and appearances. Which is why I called it a stunt. It's about looking good, and it's not about actually being rational. How much energy was used in the manufacture of her boat? It can't be recycled either. . . Silly stuff like that people can still nitpick and they'd technically be right about it, so might as well do something that doesn't actually create additional waste and is already headed the same way. Unless you're running an emotional campaign which is all about getting people on your side. If you want to really avoid waste, arrange not to be there in person, but via video or something. . . but that just wouldn't have the same emotional impact would it?

Edit: Sigh, politics politics, it's all politics.
She will always be nitpicked by her political "opposites". The only reason why people care anything about her is because she is apparently "liberal" because she has taken up on climate issues (even though we don't really know her political stance).

But climate issues are neither left nor right. In non-Western countries, conservatives also take up on climate issues. Or some liberals become anti-climate change conspiracy theorists. Climate change didn't became a dividing political issue.

So indeed, it's all politics. And see how rational and logical all that really is? It ends with apparent logic and rationality, but it's all actually starting with emotions.