I couldn't care less about climate change or this girl. There is nothing inspiring about someone who has agency to make change and invent new things but chose to be a cheerleader.

This has always been about overpopulation and consumption. We can't afford to live on this earth forever. Our resources are limited. There are consequences to growth in population and consumption and it cannot be sustained.

The truth is that most people are not economical in their consumption as well. The current trade wars are the biggest example of inefficiency fuelled by tribalism and greed. But it's probably better than the alternatives. The real solutions have always been: war, famine, disease, accidents and stopping immigration. Or you could actually campaign for abstention, contraception/abortion, small families, etc. and invest in technology.

Humanity suffered to reach this point of history and somehow people think we are different and we won't have to make any significant sacrifices.. and I'm not talking about going vegan and living in the woods.