Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
hmm maybe we just have different perspectives then. in his article about DCNH subtypes, Gulenko also mentions that a high focus on Ni leads to autistic behaviour, which is common among harmonising subtypes (ignoring reality in favor of mental imaginary). I personally don't have much experience with autistic people (I thought however that I had asperger when was younger), but I've noticed in online forums that many INxx got diagnosed with autism/aspergers, so I think Gulenko makes a valid observation here.

http://www.wikisocion.net/en/index.php?title=Dcnh (at the bottom of the article)
I have read that article and seen it quoted elsewhere many times. I have also seen self typed Ni types call themselves autistic when they clearly aren't. I don't know for sure if that is due to them reading that article. I suspect it is for some. I think him saying that Ni leads to autistic behavior shows a lack of understanding of Ni and autism on his part.

Seriously, what exactly is this "autistic" behavior. I could just as easily say that it is Ti that looks autistic (I'm not) but I do see people who think they are LII also say they are autistic. It also shows a general lack of understanding people who have real neurological issues/differences.

I have been in an MRI machine several times. Had a few EEGs too. I know my brain works differently but that is not why I had it scanned so much. I have neurological issues that lead to migraines with auras and ocular migraines (more recently). I have a form of synesthesia too. The brain is complex. I have visions. My dreams (while asleep) come true and so do some of my nightmares. I have spoken to dead people and they have talked back giving me advice that was useful in my dreams. I was diagnosed with a form of schizophrenia because I told the wrong people about this when I was younger and more naive. Not my family since they are used to this stuff. They think I am pretty great actually.

The only thing they really thought was wrong with me is that I fell for the wrong guys and I would get selfish when I did. I have learned to keep my mouth shut around most people but stuff like this Gulenko comment makes me want to speak out.

I had to go through a lot to have my mental health diagnosis cleared so it didn't follow me around. My last therapist also said she worked with many schizophrenics and I was not one. She literally called me an "ethereal being" and we became friends outside of therapy. I love telling this story to the right people. lol It is true though. I was so relieved to find out nothing was wrong with me. She could not understand why I was diagnosed with that. That is why I say I believe Jung would have understood me very well.

Socionic is a personality theory. I don't think Gulenko does anyone any favors by saying that. That is my perspective.