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    As for her type, she rings me as some type of Gamma more than anything but I'm not really sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
    Using children as a tool to promote political stances is a new phenomenon, people are not as used to it.
    Not really. Nothing new here.

  3. #43

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    She is the same type as Jane Goodall. If not, then her logics might be LSE. Def in that ball park.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    why is she being used, by whom? I recall she decided by herself to stop attending school, appear infront of the parliament, attend the protests, go vegan, convert her parents to her views, travel the world... it's true that nothing she's saying is new, yet since she's around green politics has never seen this exploit.
    Yeah, cuz any 16 year old could do that all on their own, everyone knows that

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
    I disagree. she relies heavily on logic, data, facts. calls herself a realist. outside of her speech, she rarely shows emotions and evaluates things from a pragmatic standpoint. she is clearly a logical type in my opinion with strong Fi values.

    What I have learned from interacting with different people diagnosed with autism is they will often parrot back what others have taught them even though it does not always express their own original ideas as much as someone else's. They may even follow what was taught so precisely that going off script rarely happens when it comes to some ideas. It isn't because they lack intelligence, it is the way they learn. It is hard to explain since I have noticed this in people who I didn't suspect of having autism then found out they did.

    When I noticed this kind of parroting of me (by a young adult with asd but I didn't know) I became more curious so I looked up the cause. This was the situation, I would say something, maybe profound, sometimes profane, usually mundane, then they would say it to others as if it was their own thoughts even using my mannerisms, days or weeks later.

    I was annoyed at first because I didn't know why. There is a word for what I was witnessing, echolalia. I finally understood something that I had noticed in an extended family member. They have a very high IQ but they also have a strong tendency to latch onto certain speech styles of those they feel most comfortable with. This didn't stop at speech style though. It also included obsessive compulsively taking on other people's interests even when it caused them stress. :/

    There are plenty of things that cause him fear in the world right now. I feel bad for him. I know he was also (inadvertently) instilled with a lot of fears by his mother who is overprotective and he suffers anxiety from it. He has strange methods (in my perception) for self soothing. He is obsessed with Bernie Sanders and his fb has been full of this stuff even before Greta was heard of. Because of his autism and intelligence people would probably type him him a logical type but he isn't. He can imitate just about anyone he feels a connection to. I believe he has too much empathy which overwhelms him so he can also appear robotic. Too bad it wasn't caught sooner in him. Might have spared him a lot of trauma and fear.

    All children take on the belief systems of their parents and peers to some degree but children with autism seem more likely to mimic what they have observed way longer and more precisely than children not on the spectrum. I know this happens online a lot since I have visited some forums in order to understand. I noticed they will find a group of others with asd and then begin to express themselves very similarly to their peers. Like they are talking with one voice. You would probably type most of them some logical type, not all are.

    I hear a lot of fear and anxiety in Greta's voice just like I do when I talk to him. I feel bad saying this but I often avoid him because it is all he can talk about now. Climate change is making him ill in a very different way. It is making him an anxious mess. I told him to stop reading and watching stuff about it and take care of himself first but he won't. His autism is mild, so mild he was not diagnosed until recently (in his 20s).

    If she has been instilled with a lot of fear and heard the same ideas repeated over a long period of time from a young age it is very probable that she is mimicking someone else's thoughts, fears, and even style of speech. These kids often have a lot of anxiety. I find the idea of typing them based on no one on one interaction an exercise in futility. The fact is you do not know how she processes information. You could say it is intuition but others say the same and so on. My intuition says there is more to what you see going on on the surface here.

    Children with echolalia use what many parents describe as “more advanced language” than they can typically generate. For example, a toddler who is exhibiting echolalia can quote long segments from a favorite TV show or sing an entire song word for word, but he can’t ask for milk when he needs it or answer a question his dad asks him. Even though this child “talks,” since he can technically say lots of words, he doesn’t seem to completely understand what he’s saying. In essence, he’s just repeating words without really being able to “use” them.


    Echolalia is one of the characteristics sometimes noted in children with autism. In fact, researchers have found that up to 85% of people with autism who are verbal exhibit echolalia in some form. The silver lining in this is that echolalia is actually a positive sign that children with autism may eventually be able to learn to use language to communicate.


    Echolalia is classified as immediate echolalia or delayed echolalia.

    Immediate echolalia is the repetition of words or phrases that occur immediately or very soon after the original words are spoken. An example of immediate echolalia is the child who repeats a question such as, “Do you want some juice?” rather than responding yes or no.

    Delayed echolalia is the repetition of words or phrases that are echoed after the fact, even hours, days, weeks, or months later. An example of delayed echolalia is a child who might sing, “Happy Birthday” when someone new enters her home.

    Echolalia can also include not only the words spoken, but the exact imitation of a person’s inflection, tone of voice, and volume.

    Professionals used to view echolalia as something that should be eliminated. However, current researchers tell us that many times echolalic speech can serve a purpose for children with autism. For example, a child who wants to go outside may say to his mother, “Let’s put your shoes on,” as his way of requesting this activity since he’s heard his mother say this many times just before he gets to leave the house. A child may say, “Want me to hold you?” when he’s crying or “It’s okay, Ben,” when he’s upset since his parents have said this to him in this context over and over again.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Btw I don't think she's a weirdo, just the whole way it's presented seems a bit off to me

  7. #47
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    Victor Gukenko claims that high accentuation of Ni leads to autistic behaviour (which would fit to Greta's ILI type). many INxx types get diagnosed with Autism/Asperger.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
    Yeah, cuz any 16 year old could do that all on their own, everyone knows that
    hm? I'm not getting it. what couldn't she do on her own? I've done most of those things myself at her age, and of course, my parents would help and support me where they could.

    pierre casiraghi didn't pop up to accompany me around the world with his supersonic yacht, I'm not sure I'd have refused his offer though... lol

    there's one thing that goes into Greta's favor, her autism. one feature of autism is the obsession over some things, why many autistics have OCD and other side effects. I think obsession is the word here. 'cause obviously this girl didn't do it all alone, but behind her there's her obsession over something very important, that is shaking the world.

    other people are obsesses about music and their own image, and they're not even autistic, they are obviously pimped, they have all the respect they deserve.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    why is she being used, by whom? I recall she decided by herself to stop attending school, appear infront of the parliament, attend the protests, go vegan, convert her parents to her views, travel the world... it's true that nothing she's saying is new, yet since she's around green politics has never seen this exploit.

    she's a little weirdo and people are more used to see hyper-sexualized kids with no contents than a weirdo with strong opinions... what a sad world.
    The issue I see here is this kid is running on pure fear. Her emotional pleas even got under my skin, for different reasons. I am also concerned about climate change for my own reasons. Her pleas broke my heart. Yes, I turned it off. There was real pain and anxiety in her voice which is sad. It should be adults dealing with this stuff and allowing kids to be kids. If it was my kid I would make sure they got the help they needed to live a more balanced life while pursuing whatever goals they have. I would not let them quit school so young. Kids need some boundaries. It is fine she is trying to speak on climate change but like I said in my other post, I think there is much more going on here than what we see.
    Last edited by Aylen; 09-24-2019 at 06:23 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The irony is that she has Asperger's, therefore she must not be very aware of what kind of emotional impacts that she has on others, or has much emotional/social awareness:

    I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And - given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower.#aspiepower

    But if you say that's "Fe!" (or Fi), then it must automatically become emotional manipulation or attempts at using guilt-trips. The fact is that we simply have no idea how her mind actually works, unless we have theories of her mind, such as Autism/Aspergers.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post

    Victor Gukenko claims that high accentuation of Ni leads to autistic behaviour (which would fit to Greta's ILI type). many INxx types get diagnosed with Autism/Asperger.

    Sure, and Jung said that he thought introverted intuitives were schizophrenics until he realized they were just intuitive. I get it on a personal level. Ni leads are not intrinsically neurologically disabled so Gulenko should probably rethink that.

    One other thing I learned from visiting autism forums is there are a lot of kids who are self diagnosing these days because it is also kind of trendy to be "autistic". I have a friend whose son had to wear a helmet and will never be able to care for himself. She will have to plan for his future even after her death, if he outlives her. If Greta is diagnosed with autism then that is different than Ni. If she is not diagnosed then there is another issue.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  12. #52
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    I have flu-like behavior because I like lying under blankets and having water delivered to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
    Btw I don't think she's a weirdo, just the whole way it's presented seems a bit off to me
    Everything she says is right. But just because you are right doesn't mean you are right. You know? The energy economy isn't going anywhere and she preaches austerity, when you get right down to it.

    Pretty much she, and many others like her, believe with utmost conviction that we should stop using fossil fuels altogether, right now. This is simply impossible. Civilization would collapse. There is no other energy source like fossil fuels that is logistically feasible.

    And there never will be. So we will use it all up no matter what Governments enforce.

    imo this is all a character study in youthful idealism. I think everyone goes though an age and stage where the greater world becomes important and your ideals are born at about 16 years old.

    The trick is to live long enough to watch your idealism die. No country for old men.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Sure, and Jung said that he thought introverted intuitives were schizophrenics until he realized they were just intuitive. I get it on a personal level. Ni leads are not intrinsically neurologically disabled so Gulenko should probably rethink that.

    One other thing I learned from visiting autism forums is there are a lot of kids who are self diagnosing these days because it is also kind of trendy to be "autistic". I have a friend whose son had to wear a helmet and will never be able to care for himself. She will have to plan for his future even after her death even he outlives her. If she is diagnosed with autism then that is different than Ni.
    hmm maybe we just have different perspectives then. in his article about DCNH subtypes, Gulenko also mentions that a high focus on Ni leads to autistic behaviour, which is common among harmonising subtypes (ignoring reality in favor of mental imaginary). I personally don't have much experience with autistic people (I thought however that I had asperger when was younger), but I've noticed in online forums that many INxx got diagnosed with autism/aspergers, so I think Gulenko makes a valid observation here. (at the bottom of the article)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    The irony is that she has Asperger's, therefore she must not be very aware of what kind of emotional impacts that she has on others, or has much emotional/social awareness:

    I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And - given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower.#aspiepower

    But if you say that's "Fe!" (or Fi), then it must automatically become emotional manipulation or attempts at using guilt-trips. The fact is that we simply have no idea how her mind actually works, unless we have theories of her mind, such as Autism/Aspergers.
    All displayed passion is Fe for this site.

    I don't think so myself.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    The issue I see here is this kid is running on pure fear. Here emotional pleas even got under my skin, for different reasons. I am also concerned about climate change for my own reasons. Her pleas broke my heart. Yes, I turned it off. There was real pain and anxiety in her voice which is sad. It should be adults dealing with this stuff and allowing kids to be kids. If it was my kid I would make sure they got the help they needed to live a more balanced life while pursuing whatever goals they have. I would not let them quit school so young. Kids need some boundaries. It is fine she is trying to speak on climate change but like I said in my other post, I think there is much more going on here than what we see.
    well I don't know of the dark plots behind her image. I think her voice has all the right reasons to be heard, as she has all the right reasons to be scared, as other kids who became heroines for social causes (Malala, Tamimi, Khatun and many others) felt the right to speak, to voice their fears, yes, but with the will to change the future, too.

    I wouldn't make it too big a deal about her quitting school, I agree it's not the best, but she has an history of bullying at school, which I know you don't really care about unless it addresses sexual identity causes that are dear to you, but they're definitely harming for a kid. better home schooling, which I'm pretty sure she's attending, than dealing with harassment.

    we all have our burden of causes dear to us, we just can't condemn some girl for having a higher sensitivity to some cause than us...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    The issue I see here is this kid is running on pure fear. Her emotional pleas even got under my skin, for different reasons. I am also concerned about climate change for my own reasons. Her pleas broke my heart. Yes, I turned it off. There was real pain and anxiety in her voice which is sad. It should be adults dealing with this stuff and allowing kids to be kids. If it was my kid I would make sure they got the help they needed to live a more balanced life while pursuing whatever goals they have. I would not let them quit school so young. Kids need some boundaries. It is fine she is trying to speak on climate change but like I said in my other post, I think there is much more going on here than what we see.

    I think that it is a kid is what makes this quite poignant. That she is triggering people based on her age is exactly what the movement needed and this was only going to come from a Child character.

    Not some sterile scientist, or Government official, but a youth young child on the verge of womanhood, begs for her future.

    That is kind of the whole point of Greta. An articulate young girl pleads with Humanity. Its poetry, or puppetry. Same difference really.

    Everything is both authentic and window dressing at the same time.

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    In terms of typology her aspergerness seems to be more Fe (spoiling moods what ILI's might do) than Fi (which I think borders eccentricity as in nonconformism/schizotypy aka not sharing common triggers).

    Quite weird family.
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
    hmm maybe we just have different perspectives then. in his article about DCNH subtypes, Gulenko also mentions that a high focus on Ni leads to autistic behaviour, which is common among harmonising subtypes (ignoring reality in favor of mental imaginary). I personally don't have much experience with autistic people (I thought however that I had asperger when was younger), but I've noticed in online forums that many INxx got diagnosed with autism/aspergers, so I think Gulenko makes a valid observation here. (at the bottom of the article)
    I have read that article and seen it quoted elsewhere many times. I have also seen self typed Ni types call themselves autistic when they clearly aren't. I don't know for sure if that is due to them reading that article. I suspect it is for some. I think him saying that Ni leads to autistic behavior shows a lack of understanding of Ni and autism on his part.

    Seriously, what exactly is this "autistic" behavior. I could just as easily say that it is Ti that looks autistic (I'm not) but I do see people who think they are LII also say they are autistic. It also shows a general lack of understanding people who have real neurological issues/differences.

    I have been in an MRI machine several times. Had a few EEGs too. I know my brain works differently but that is not why I had it scanned so much. I have neurological issues that lead to migraines with auras and ocular migraines (more recently). I have a form of synesthesia too. The brain is complex. I have visions. My dreams (while asleep) come true and so do some of my nightmares. I have spoken to dead people and they have talked back giving me advice that was useful in my dreams. I was diagnosed with a form of schizophrenia because I told the wrong people about this when I was younger and more naive. Not my family since they are used to this stuff. They think I am pretty great actually.

    The only thing they really thought was wrong with me is that I fell for the wrong guys and I would get selfish when I did. I have learned to keep my mouth shut around most people but stuff like this Gulenko comment makes me want to speak out.

    I had to go through a lot to have my mental health diagnosis cleared so it didn't follow me around. My last therapist also said she worked with many schizophrenics and I was not one. She literally called me an "ethereal being" and we became friends outside of therapy. I love telling this story to the right people. lol It is true though. I was so relieved to find out nothing was wrong with me. She could not understand why I was diagnosed with that. That is why I say I believe Jung would have understood me very well.

    Socionic is a personality theory. I don't think Gulenko does anyone any favors by saying that. That is my perspective.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    One other thing I learned from visiting autism forums is there are a lot of kids who are self diagnosing these days because it is also kind of trendy to be "autistic". I have a friend whose son had to wear a helmet and will never be able to care for himself. She will have to plan for his future even after her death, if he outlives her. If Greta is diagnosed with autism then that is different than Ni. If she is not diagnosed then there is another issue.
    I think it is handy waste basket diagnosis: ah dyslexia + clumsy huge change of being social reject. Let's call it autism. After reading about it it seem like the diagnosis has no core only traits and since everyone under autism is different and it is a spectrum it effectively allows f*ck ton of loose diagnosis and therefore it seems like bunch of crap. I call that non scientific and lazy thinking. Original articles seem much more legit.
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    Last edited by khcs; 09-24-2019 at 08:04 PM.

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    Disregarding what is going on behind the scenes, I was really touched by her last speech.

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    Climate does not exit. It's a haux. Fuck this little bitch.

    It's getting on my nerves. Sorry.

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    Climate scientists: climate change is real, we are going to be fucked, please listen to us, there is consensus we mean really ( or here, here you can see our data, this is caused by humans entirely and we have these observations and proofs

    Some random above: see the post above, also yt films with appealing to authority

    (Yep, he is a Nobel prize winner, and we have Nobelists - scientists! - who believe in homeopathy, lizard-people and that AIDS is fake. Really. He is 90 nowadays and his area of research was superconductors, not climate; in the video he admits himself he spend very little time on research in this subject and it shows, whoever was/is prepping this denial wave up and using this old man should feel ashamed - see

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    fuck this shit. climate, veganism, leftism, sjws, african kids < could not care less

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    It seems you understand insults the best, looking by their extensive usage; so I will be, let's say that, inclusive.

    To tell you plenty: I don't know about others and I won't speak for them, but no. I do care more about climate, animals, and social justice than your whiny, powerless butt. You can't get your information right, you can't research right, you can't take care of wiping you ass right (and by that I mean you don't care about your own mess, which can be seen in your disregard to the environment). You only have feels, which - unfortunately for you - are not reals in this case (oh, the irony!); what is real here is the damage that is being done, systematically, day by day. Irreversibly polluting our future and destroying these tiny, fragile bits of stability we carefully constructed during the 20th century; wrecking pure havoc.

    I can build a boat and sail on, and frankly - I can afford not to care at least partially, but you? Twink twice about that. Think about what you think and what you wish for. Do you ever reflect on your deeds?

    So, I will be back off my insult jam when you will link real science. Or just contribute something worthwhile to this thread. Which you won't.

    (To stay on topic, I think Greta gives great ESI vibes.)

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    Just read the first case study. I think Donald was (is?) ILI although quite peculiar case at that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BimBaden View Post
    Climate does not exit. It's a haux. Fuck this little bitch.
    It's getting on my nerves. Sorry.
    I doubt a grown man who refers to a 16-year-old girl as a "little bitch" is sorry about anything, somehow. It's good that you've shown us what sort of person you are though. Add another to my ignore list.

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    I couldn't care less about climate change or this girl. There is nothing inspiring about someone who has agency to make change and invent new things but chose to be a cheerleader.

    This has always been about overpopulation and consumption. We can't afford to live on this earth forever. Our resources are limited. There are consequences to growth in population and consumption and it cannot be sustained.

    The truth is that most people are not economical in their consumption as well. The current trade wars are the biggest example of inefficiency fuelled by tribalism and greed. But it's probably better than the alternatives. The real solutions have always been: war, famine, disease, accidents and stopping immigration. Or you could actually campaign for abstention, contraception/abortion, small families, etc. and invest in technology.

    Humanity suffered to reach this point of history and somehow people think we are different and we won't have to make any significant sacrifices.. and I'm not talking about going vegan and living in the woods.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    well I don't know of the dark plots behind her image. I think her voice has all the right reasons to be heard, as she has all the right reasons to be scared, as other kids who became heroines for social causes (Malala, Tamimi, Khatun and many others) felt the right to speak, to voice their fears, yes, but with the will to change the future, too.

    I wouldn't make it too big a deal about her quitting school, I agree it's not the best, but she has an history of bullying at school, which I know you don't really care about unless it addresses sexual identity causes that are dear to you, but they're definitely harming for a kid. better home schooling, which I'm pretty sure she's attending, than dealing with harassment.

    we all have our burden of causes dear to us, we just can't condemn some girl for having a higher sensitivity to some cause than us...
    You made some valid points but not sure where you get that I only care about sexual identity causes since I said nothing like that and it is far from true. You missed my point. I didn't condemn her and I didn't say she didn't have the right to speak either.

    Home school is a valid option for continuing her education. There are two kids (my brother's gf's) who live in my home and have always been home schooled even before they moved here. I am sure they will be home schooled after they move out too.

    Edit: Maybe it was before your time on the forum but the cause I have mentioned most in my posts was homelessness and poverty. I helped the homeless in the areas I lived in the best ways I could.

    Edt2: From talking to the homeless in various towns and cities I lived in I discovered mental health issues were at the root of most of their problems when it comes to individuals, not families. You can also add mental health issues to my list of causes. I don't really consider these causes. It's just being a decent human being to those society generally ignores as they walk past them texting on their $$$ phones.
    Last edited by Aylen; 09-25-2019 at 02:08 PM.

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    I watched a few moments of her presentation and there's just way too much... overwrought emotional appeal.

    But the actual content of what she's saying sounded delta > beta. I actually like her, it's just that what she says sounds vague in the way IEEs can sound (from my biased, Ti-seeking POV). It's a lot of abstract emotional principles, which I would have trouble translating into specific actions to take b/c of my nonexistent Te.

    Her speech feels weightless to me although I am worried about climate change myself.

  33. #73
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    The mainstream media , the left... I feel more imprisoned by them than I do a homophobic redneck with a shotgun outside of his trailer park waiting to shoot some effeminate boys just for the lolz. Something is really off about that.

  34. #74
    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    She's not autistic; she's just Russian. They always look mad and most of the time they are mad! I think they have a special "mad Russian" gene. You gotta ask yourself, not what type gets mad like her, but what type of mad Russian is it?

  35. #75
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    I haven't been paying much attn to this thread or the girl, so I apologize if I've missed something, but is she reading a script or saying what she's been instructed to say? Seems relevant to typing.

  36. #76
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    Regarding Greta's transportation: She would have been called a hypocrite if she'd taken a plane, even if it was an empty seat on a plane already making a flight. Voting with our money is a common way of showing what we support...and what we don't. Paying for the seat, would mean supporting flying. Accepting a free seat would have meant advertising for flying.
    ...As is, she took a solar powered zero carbon emission yacht. Presumably to show that zero carbon transportation across the world is a legitimate possibility. As for the train use, high speed rails are more energy efficient than planes. It might be slower, and more personally expensive than a plane, but it trades the convenience of fast and cheap for the convenience of using that time in productive as well as relaxive ways.

    Regarding Greta taking time off from school: Just because she's not doing formal schooling atm, doesn't mean she's not being educated nor seeking further education. There's such a thing as homeschooling, unschooling, etc. If anything, this trip and process she's going through would be an excellent example of unschooling. Among other things, I'm sure she's learning about politics, public speaking, climate science, alternative transportation, and sociology. I expect that she's getting a far more in depth educational experience about these things than most college students graduate with.

    Regarding climate change related policies (personal changes and political changes) being too inconvenient and expensive to put into practice: the fact is that we're facing having to make drastic changes, whether now or later. If we start making changes now, we can improve our technology, our knowledge, etc to prepare ourselves to better survive the coming changes. If we wait until the hell is upon us, the changes we'll face will be harder to survive (short term), harder to manipulate, and harder to recover from (long term survival). Basically, either way, we're facing a future different from our present way of doing things. How different depends on how soon (less different) or how late (significantly more different) we implement changes in how we do things.

    Regarding her pleas and guilt-tripping: She's talking to world leaders. I'm guessing this batch is primarily made up of older people who have lived their lives already or have established themselves in a soon-to-be outdated economic/socio-political model. She's talking to policy makers who believe that a finite world with finite resources can provide infinite growth for their wallets. She's talking to the people who don't want to make policy changes, because it would inconvenience themselves or their supporters. She's talking to the people that think that sticking their heads in a hole will make climate change go away or pass over them. The problem is, their decisions ARE affecting the future...HER future, the future of humanity, not just humanity but of Earth. So yes, how dare those in positions of leadership and responsibility be so damned nonchalant about this crisis.

    Regarding typing Greta Thunberg: A public speech about a topic is different than the actual processing of the information. She had prepared speech points, assistance in editing and refining the speech points, tips on pacing, tone, etc, as well as time to practice. So typing her based on her climate change speeches is rather pointless, as it's not HER your typing, but the result of all that combination. It would be better to find spontaneous videos of her interacting on topics/activities other than climate change, as those would be closer to the real her.
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  37. #77
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    in the end she wins. people are actually taking it seriously, analyzing everything and giving it attention/energy

    suckasssss lol

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    in the end she wins. people are actually taking it seriously, analyzing everything and giving it attention/energy

    suckasssss lol
    If things actually change, for the better, based on her speeches and actions wouldn't everybody win?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    All of that is just perception and appearances. Which is why I called it a stunt. It's about looking good, and it's not about actually being rational. How much energy was used in the manufacture of her boat? It can't be recycled either. . . Silly stuff like that people can still nitpick and they'd technically be right about it, so might as well do something that doesn't actually create additional waste and is already headed the same way. Unless you're running an emotional campaign which is all about getting people on your side. If you want to really avoid waste, arrange not to be there in person, but via video or something. . . but that just wouldn't have the same emotional impact would it?

    Edit: Sigh, politics politics, it's all politics.
    The boat wasn't made just for this trip, it already existed. However, it may have been specially outfitted for the trip. But again, that serves a purpose of demonstrating that alternative transportation options exist. Outfitting and using a boat to be zero carbon emissions isn't any more of a stunt than putting solar panels on one's home and using the resulting solar power.

    As for really avoiding waste and arranging not to be somewhere in person, Greta's previously declined an award because accepting it would have required finalists to fly to the ceremony and meeting. So NOT flying was more important to her than the perception and appearance of receiving an award.

    In November 2018, about three months into her school climate strike, Thunberg was nominated for the Children's Climate Prize, which is awarded by the Swedish electricity company Telge Energi. However, Thunberg declined to accept the award because many of the finalists would have to fly to Stockholm for the ceremony and a required meeting with one another.

    Sitting at home, making video calls doesn't do much to demonstrate one's passion for a cause. So in that sense, yeah we can call it a stunt. But then we'd pretty much have to call ANY explicit activist action 'a stunt'. Kneeling during the national anthem to bring awareness to black lives being shot? a stunt. Marching from Selma to Montgomery? a stunt. Pride Parade? just stunts. Impassioned pleas during video taped interviews? stunts.

    And we know, psychologically speaking, that there is so much more meaning when a person is physically present vs written argument, still-shots, or even video. There is more meaning found in the communications from the physical presence of the communicator. And when we consider something so important, especially something that affects our very life, we're more likely to try to achieve the change in person. For example, if a judge and jury who were discussing matters and making decisions that would affect the lives of your children, would you prefer to make calls and go to the court house yourself to be part of that discussion? Or would you simply settle for a letter...or for having your face on a laptop screen? The more important something is to us, the more likely we'll want to by physically present for it.

    And yes, it IS all about politics...because it's all about policies. The UN meeting effects policy decisions. Being present vs writing a letter effects policy decisions. Greta's whole purpose of the trip was to try to influence policies regarding Climate Change perceptions and responses. The March from Selma to Montgomery was to bring attention, awareness, and influence to the policies of its time. Pride Parades do that. Kneeling during the national anthem attempts to do that. As do any impassioned pleas to policy makers.

    And we know her "stunt" is working...because her "stunt" brought awareness to her cause, and now people are talking a little more about it. Not just about her, but about Climate Change and what needs to be done.
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    If Americans want to help the environment you know what you have to do.

    I wonder if anyone on this forum who supports Greta now also voted or showed support for Trump.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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