Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
Btw I don't think she's a weirdo, just the whole way it's presented seems a bit off to me
Everything she says is right. But just because you are right doesn't mean you are right. You know? The energy economy isn't going anywhere and she preaches austerity, when you get right down to it.

Pretty much she, and many others like her, believe with utmost conviction that we should stop using fossil fuels altogether, right now. This is simply impossible. Civilization would collapse. There is no other energy source like fossil fuels that is logistically feasible.

And there never will be. So we will use it all up no matter what Governments enforce.

imo this is all a character study in youthful idealism. I think everyone goes though an age and stage where the greater world becomes important and your ideals are born at about 16 years old.

The trick is to live long enough to watch your idealism die. No country for old men.