Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
Ehhh. Ethical type. I started watching the video that Ave posted. . . "we will never forgive you" "you are immature" "my future is at stake" "how dare you" "shame on you" emotional manipulations and attempts at guilt-tripping without any kind of concrete plan suggested. Yes, she recited lots of facts to support her emotional pleas (Te to support Fi). . . but no Ti involved. I think IEE. I didn't however finish the video, so maybe she got to that later. Good at Fe, can really pull on the heart-strings, and the dramatic pauses, she knows how to use Fe very well.
It seems irrational to judge her entire personality from a very limited observation of her.

For all we know, we don't know what her actual logical ability is like. She may use logic in other situations that we don't know of. Or she may use or develop logical abilities later.

It doesn't matter though, because we are capable of being both logical and emotional at the same time. It's not a matter of being either logical or emotional. It's just a matter of how we want to use either logic or emotions, depending on situations or choices that we make.