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Thread: Greta Thunberg

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    Still Alive's Avatar
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    IEE rarely take sides, though.

    "IEEs are naturally sensitive to mood, atmosphere, and feelings. They rarely say or do anything that would worsen people's feelings, preferring instead to distance themselves from people and social situations that produce negative feelings. IEEs are naturally skilled at regulating the degree of emotional intimacy between people, which can mean being businesslike (yet polite) as well as warm and inviting."

    I don't see that in Greta at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post

    EII and ESI are also possible. The main point I was making was that it's all Fi/Te and her ethics are stronger than her logic. I have an inherent bias in my typings sometimes (as does everyone else heh,) and giving it another thought, yeah, my bias was most likely showing there. Anyway, Fi/Te ethical type I think makes the most sense overall.
    I disagree. she relies heavily on logic, data, facts. calls herself a realist. outside of her speech, she rarely shows emotions and evaluates things from a pragmatic standpoint. she is clearly a logical type in my opinion with strong Fi values.

  3. #3
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
    I disagree. she relies heavily on logic, data, facts. calls herself a realist. outside of her speech, she rarely shows emotions and evaluates things from a pragmatic standpoint. she is clearly a logical type in my opinion with strong Fi values.

    What I have learned from interacting with different people diagnosed with autism is they will often parrot back what others have taught them even though it does not always express their own original ideas as much as someone else's. They may even follow what was taught so precisely that going off script rarely happens when it comes to some ideas. It isn't because they lack intelligence, it is the way they learn. It is hard to explain since I have noticed this in people who I didn't suspect of having autism then found out they did.

    When I noticed this kind of parroting of me (by a young adult with asd but I didn't know) I became more curious so I looked up the cause. This was the situation, I would say something, maybe profound, sometimes profane, usually mundane, then they would say it to others as if it was their own thoughts even using my mannerisms, days or weeks later.

    I was annoyed at first because I didn't know why. There is a word for what I was witnessing, echolalia. I finally understood something that I had noticed in an extended family member. They have a very high IQ but they also have a strong tendency to latch onto certain speech styles of those they feel most comfortable with. This didn't stop at speech style though. It also included obsessive compulsively taking on other people's interests even when it caused them stress. :/

    There are plenty of things that cause him fear in the world right now. I feel bad for him. I know he was also (inadvertently) instilled with a lot of fears by his mother who is overprotective and he suffers anxiety from it. He has strange methods (in my perception) for self soothing. He is obsessed with Bernie Sanders and his fb has been full of this stuff even before Greta was heard of. Because of his autism and intelligence people would probably type him him a logical type but he isn't. He can imitate just about anyone he feels a connection to. I believe he has too much empathy which overwhelms him so he can also appear robotic. Too bad it wasn't caught sooner in him. Might have spared him a lot of trauma and fear.

    All children take on the belief systems of their parents and peers to some degree but children with autism seem more likely to mimic what they have observed way longer and more precisely than children not on the spectrum. I know this happens online a lot since I have visited some forums in order to understand. I noticed they will find a group of others with asd and then begin to express themselves very similarly to their peers. Like they are talking with one voice. You would probably type most of them some logical type, not all are.

    I hear a lot of fear and anxiety in Greta's voice just like I do when I talk to him. I feel bad saying this but I often avoid him because it is all he can talk about now. Climate change is making him ill in a very different way. It is making him an anxious mess. I told him to stop reading and watching stuff about it and take care of himself first but he won't. His autism is mild, so mild he was not diagnosed until recently (in his 20s).

    If she has been instilled with a lot of fear and heard the same ideas repeated over a long period of time from a young age it is very probable that she is mimicking someone else's thoughts, fears, and even style of speech. These kids often have a lot of anxiety. I find the idea of typing them based on no one on one interaction an exercise in futility. The fact is you do not know how she processes information. You could say it is intuition but others say the same and so on. My intuition says there is more to what you see going on on the surface here.

    Children with echolalia use what many parents describe as “more advanced language” than they can typically generate. For example, a toddler who is exhibiting echolalia can quote long segments from a favorite TV show or sing an entire song word for word, but he can’t ask for milk when he needs it or answer a question his dad asks him. Even though this child “talks,” since he can technically say lots of words, he doesn’t seem to completely understand what he’s saying. In essence, he’s just repeating words without really being able to “use” them.


    Echolalia is one of the characteristics sometimes noted in children with autism. In fact, researchers have found that up to 85% of people with autism who are verbal exhibit echolalia in some form. The silver lining in this is that echolalia is actually a positive sign that children with autism may eventually be able to learn to use language to communicate.


    Echolalia is classified as immediate echolalia or delayed echolalia.

    Immediate echolalia is the repetition of words or phrases that occur immediately or very soon after the original words are spoken. An example of immediate echolalia is the child who repeats a question such as, “Do you want some juice?” rather than responding yes or no.

    Delayed echolalia is the repetition of words or phrases that are echoed after the fact, even hours, days, weeks, or months later. An example of delayed echolalia is a child who might sing, “Happy Birthday” when someone new enters her home.

    Echolalia can also include not only the words spoken, but the exact imitation of a person’s inflection, tone of voice, and volume.

    Professionals used to view echolalia as something that should be eliminated. However, current researchers tell us that many times echolalic speech can serve a purpose for children with autism. For example, a child who wants to go outside may say to his mother, “Let’s put your shoes on,” as his way of requesting this activity since he’s heard his mother say this many times just before he gets to leave the house. A child may say, “Want me to hold you?” when he’s crying or “It’s okay, Ben,” when he’s upset since his parents have said this to him in this context over and over again.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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