I didn't however finish the video, so maybe she got to that later. Good at Fe, can really pull on the heart-strings, and the dramatic pauses, she knows how to use Fe very well.

Maybe that is Fe in a raw sense, but it makes Fe look really shitty if that's the case lol. The climate change activists personally lose me and alienate me when they say things like that. ie never forgive, how dare you, my future is at stake.' If you want to get somebody to care about something we should ideally all care about since we all must live on the planet - I don't see the point in emotionally attacking people or saying emotionally edgy things just so gullible people will give you an applause. I am much more persuaded by people who can be logically cool or if they use their emotions they do it inspire others rather than tear others down but that's just me I guess. I think that with power hungry 'world leader' people you might do have to say things like that to get them to listen because they are hard wired to only pay attention to 'power' anyway. What makes her think world leaders will even fix things tho. I don't see much of anything being fixed by them, like at all- why would climate be any different.

I was just at Holly Marie Combs twitter page where she is talking about similar issues, and instead of making me care for about the environment I just think 'god what an obnoxious spoiled bitch.' Perhaps that is too unfair on my part but the way she goes about it doesn't really make me interested in it or want to save the world or anything. It just feels like some fake society thing she's doing to improve her own narcissistic career....and to get other equally duplicitous people to agree with her for some other image enhancing thing.