
I feel like clarifying because I feel my last response does not express my views in toto.

My thoughts can be summarized in two points.

1. She says in the interview you posted (which I am about halfway through) that she does not have doubts. She "knows what needs to be done". This does not seem consistent with ILI who are often internally doubting their own conclusions, even if they externally assert them sometimes.
2. Like I said above, I don't think ILI would find themselves in this position. I get she had no intent to start a movement, she just wanted to get people talking about this issue, but this to me shows there is a desire to influence people (which she says wants to do) despite not wanting to start any kind of organized movement.

It is not unreasonable to think ILI however, as she describes herself as disliking "small talk", "shy", and says she "doesn't say much". This might point to introversion at least. I still think EIE is the best fit, she's just a heavy Ni subtype which accentuates shyness and "introversion" to an extent. Saying she is a realist and looks at facts seems pretty gamma, I will concede that.