Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
I've been saying it for literally years to anyone who either a)bought me a few drinks or b)asked me for the cold harsh truth. Truth is, we're ruled by kiddy diddling straight up Satan worshiping assholes. Think about it, how else would you keep a gaggle of extremely powerful sociopaths from tearing each other apart at the first opportunity? Global pedo ring fits the bill nicely. Now suppose one of the key figures somehow, in spite of long odds given the amount of corruption and control we'd logically expect if we're in the late stages of some grand plan by those fuckers, somehow gets nabbed by the good guys.

They don't wanna let him go, but damn, he's offering to sing like a canary crossed with a fat female opera performer. The taste is bad, but the "health benefits" are more than worth it. The other side is now in a catch-22. Let him live and he sings, dooming the whole operation right then and there. Kill him now in a very obvious fashion and the operation can continue, but you've basically just done a second Kennedy assassination. The very INSTANT this happens again (and it will, because sociopaths) you'll have triggered an uprising.

Hell, why you think Trump ain't dead yet? Instant he dies in a way that can in any way be construed as unnatural and, well, this board is full of people pushing 130+ IQ's. Y'all can make a pretty damn prophetic account of what happens after that .

Also, I'll point out that faking his death has the same effect as killing him in this instance. If the public thinks he got "Arkansided" then there's little material difference. He's alive, he's dead, doesn't matter in the ultimate scheme of things. The people will now believe a thing the elite would rather they not for reasons they do not yet know given how disconnected they are from us. I'll put it this way, they've blown their proverbial load on this. Another will come forward soon, and then they will either have to drop the mask or let that pawn sing. Either way, even the most boomer of boomers won't be able to deny what's going on without becoming a suspect.
Every day it looks like George Carlin was more and more right!

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Hardly anyone believes the official story. Everyone knows he was either murdered or had help — but it doesn’t matter, because nothing’s going to change. The FBI won’t find a thing; at most, some prison guard will take the fall.

Imagine if this had happened in Russia. American media would be screeching about how once again Russian oligarchs had assasinated someone; how the death was obviously murder, and so on.
Yeah, there is a clear double standard from the media and people in general that unabashedly accept that there are Russian and Chinese oligarchies, but the idea of an American/Western European, etc oligarchy is seen as conspiratorial. It is like people's brains shut down when the idea that their democracy is an illusion to an extent comes to fruition. Naturally, corporate owned media is a part of that so they will only propagate whatever their agenda entails IMO.