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    What is it?

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    Sx seeks chemistry, intensity, raw attraction, fusion and is acutely aware when the aforementioned qualities are present or not (to some degree) in someone or something> Sx involves being compelled and drawn in, the desire to and practice of immersing one's self, getting lost. It's consumed and preoccupied with melding (by way of an "arousing," intensely focused, energetic fusion/engagement) with the object of its desire, whatever that may be--human beings don't have to factor at all.

    I personally experience it most often as a form of tuned in, hyper focus where everything else disappears except for whatever has my attention, be it person, place or thing. I especially love the pull of a new "interest" turned "obsession," (ain't always healthy but it is what it is) some form of high stimuli that compels me to center it in my thoughts/time/life> undertaking some project or venture, learning some new theory, a burgeoning relationship, a type of food, some locale, an amazing artist or book, whatever. For me to actually "give a damn" about something, it's just imperative that I be magnetized, stimulated and invested in order for my attention to be held and for me to remain "present" and "in it." In select spaces, they call that ADD/ADHD. lol
    Last edited by Alonzo; 08-11-2019 at 04:10 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lilac tenebris View Post
    I had trouble figuring out my instinct stack mainly because sx is often linked to sexuality, which is something I don't care about. : |
    It's instinctive and ravishing a sensation that never goes below my neck, all mental. I can't even say it's a sensation, perhaps more an impression, a sultry forgetfulness of the self into else, it is indeed obsessive, over focused, it can cause trouble because of how short sighted it makes a person, this here and now is all that matters. There's ecstasy in it, it can truly feel like an altered state of mind, it's absurd and out of control, a huge hot mess. It's generaly associated with fire and water, but I'm more fond of ice and lightning since I'm so cold and detached in general. There's some impulse messing up my distance, it's magnetic and frustration can arise quickly because it causes me inner conflict a lot. "I want this" and "that's a terrible idea" can clash and make a person less outwardly explosive.
    There's no gut gripping sensation, it's my mind that goes wild.
    For me, it resonates from books, visual and audio sensory input, stories, ideas, concepts, languages, a simple word I find charming to say, delightfuly spoken. The best was to get lost along the words of someone... it can be used as a stress relief, that's why I like to keep a pretty crystal in my pocket, to have a thing to get lost in. When I do something I become the thing, it's an odd thing to come back to reality after living a full life inside a book. It spices up life. It's visceral and even dirty in a way, it feels low and wrong, but also makes me high. I don't need drugs to get high. Even in the concept of sx itself I find this push and pull quality.
    The repulsion is just as strong but only last until the thing is gone, the highs are more... interesting anyway.
    Words are quite pale to decribe all this.

    I was thinking writing this that sx seems more attuned with S and F functions than T and N and could make NTs look off and SF very intense.
    Damn, well said.

    And the highlighted is an intriguing idea. One of the archetypes I relate to most is that of the werewolf, particularly the sub type that centers man's conflict with himself, the domestication and integration of one's ancient, "primitive," shadowy, repressed impulses. I've pretty much always felt like I was internally battling a feral SEE [lol] that, ultimately, due to some "otherworldly"/"heavenly" gravitational pull beyond my control, would rear its wild, biting, tearing bestial head, acting on pure instinct, willfully and powerfully driven by immediate gratification of base desires and the satiation of self via gorging on the soulful guts/entrails/depths/core of others/objects [imbalanced Se + Fi]. Whenever my Sx instinct locks in on someone or something, it ravenously feasts on it from the inside out.

    That's the thing with Sx, something about it seems inherently imbalanced and destabilizing, especially when it's first in the stacking and why, for me, it evokes the "curse" of the werewolf. The catch is that just because I'm more tuned into my subconscious needs and desires, does not mean that I'm more capable and competent at utilizing and acting on them. Oftentimes in my life, Se/Si + Fi/Fe flair ups have possessed an unwieldy, destructive bent that once satiated, leave a lot of metaphorical bodies (including my own) in its wake. I know that also speaks to some significant Enneagram 8 influence, but to the Sx impulse and my subconscious SF, "it hurts so good" because at the very least, I was at ground zero, the feverish pulse of the detonation, and that's where, ironically, I felt the most alive.

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    repost from sx/so thread:

    Deliberation, by Sanchez Nevado

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Damn, well said.

    And the highlighted is an intriguing idea. One of the archetypes I relate to most is that of the werewolf, particularly the sub type that centers man's conflict with himself, the domestication and integration of one's ancient, "primitive," shadowy, repressed impulses. I've pretty much always felt like I was internally battling a feral SEE [lol] that, ultimately, due to some "otherworldly"/"heavenly" gravitational pull beyond my control, would rear its wild, biting, tearing bestial head, acting on pure instinct, willfully and powerfully driven by immediate gratification of base desires and the satiation of self via gorging on the soulful guts/entrails/depths/core of others/objects [imbalanced Se + Fi]. Whenever my Sx instinct locks in on someone or something, it ravenously feasts on it from the inside out.

    That's the thing with Sx, something about it seems inherently imbalanced and destabilizing, especially when it's first in the stacking and why, for me, it evokes the "curse" of the werewolf. The catch is that just because I'm more tuned into my subconscious needs and desires, does not mean that I'm more capable and competent at utilizing and acting on them. Oftentimes in my life, Se/Si + Fi/Fe flair ups have possessed an unwieldy, destructive bent that once satiated, leave a lot of metaphorical bodies (including my own) in its wake. I know that also speaks to some significant Enneagram 8 influence, but to the Sx impulse and my subconscious SF, "it hurts so good" because at the very least, I was at ground zero, the feverish pulse of the detonation, and that's where, ironically, I felt the most alive.
    Damn, just when I felt self conscious and deleted that. Thanks.
    I'm fine with this, I'll take it as fate or something fancy like that.

    I was thinking about you when I wrote what you bolded. Werewolves suits you, it's on the obvious side, brutal. I relate more to succubi and vampires, energy thieves hiding in the shadows preying around.
    I just have the image of the bloodthirsty howl to the moon of a werewolf right now... Ah, too tired to write, goodnight world.

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    I was thinking that sx has an appearance, it holds a certain warmth, a kind of passionnate feel, a longing. It looks "expressive" in a tense manner, as in sexual tension (even from me, that's why I call it an appearance).
    I find that sx can look like other typings, Se aggressor-ness, Si sensuality, Fe expression, Fi depth, 4 emotionality, 9 affective dependance, 8 furious lusting... but it's rooted as an instinct, it goes with which else is there, it would take a 4 by the heart, an 8 by the gut, and a 5 by the brain.
    I think the sociotype would be an how we come to decision from perception and judgement, e-type is more of a why in the sense of motivation/core fear that taints the whole. Instinct is of an other material and I can't quite find how to define it, in a way, it either compliments or go against the others, but it can overwrite them big time because of how of an instinct it is. Some people say [this] sociotype and [that] e-type aren't compatible, but at worst I read of... contradicting instinct, an So 5, or an So introvert for example.
    I talk of appearance and I stress it, regardless of how I feel, I have a longing in my eyes that looks sexual asf, I'm often startled by it when I see myself. It's very far from my actual inner experience.
    As I wrote earlier, sx looks expressive even if someone may not mean it. That's why I thought of you Alonzo, you seem expressive and even passionnate when you just write, but I came to think it may not reflect your true disposition. I think you may act out of anger and a sense of repulsion at times but that it looks expressive and not logical, and the sx instinct seems as this... even when you just write a few words there's a thing that doesn't add up well imo, and calling you an other sociotype seems like a duct tape fix at best.
    I had the impression with the werewolf that there's something physical about it to you, when a werewolf changes, everyone can see, I think it fits the gut centered 8... it's not a good description of what I'm picturing. That's gonna have to do for now.
    Maybe, in certain people, a certain typing system takes up more space, but that's just wild guessing at this point. and is it appearant space or not...
    And that's gonna be all for tonight.
    One other thing, in some people, everything "click" so well that just one typing system seems enough, but others are some strange nonsensical messes that need more "labels" to explain them, I see this on a spectrum.

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    I've gone too far

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    The desire to find a mate/your “other half”. Don’t know why people have to complicate it more than that since everything follows from it. It’s also attuned to chemistry between you and another person.
    Last edited by Blue; 08-15-2019 at 02:31 PM.

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    I guess SX is supposed to be smarter than you; like if you're drawn to a person, a field of study, etc etc your uh... sx cortex is giving you valuable information that it might take your conscious brain longer to parse. Same with repulsions. Maybe it's acting as a helpful filter towards what can sustain you versus hurt (deflate ? ) you, or something.

    (i...don't actually have a clue)

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    Just like we can make stupid, hurtful, irrational decision with functions, sx can too. I think we "use" it uncounsciously to get some benefice, but this benefice isn't nessecarily... optimal. Some may look for a mate, but when what you see is one week at best and full of possible undesirable consequences, looking for a mate sounds dumb as hell, it doens't get better when you hear the cries of passion and disintegration from people in a raging moment, or the desperation in those who are simply dying to find a mate. Book are more than enough for a shallow kick, guess I'm lucky for this.
    One form sx can take is faith, the merging of body and soul, that's what I would go for, but faith eludes me alas, I think it's a better idea to find what you need within yourself, as a mate can leave. If I find someone who stick by me, yeah, cool but I'm not betting on this for fulfilment.
    Faith can be found through anything really, it's more about the vision one has of it that makes it sx or not.
    I tend to get obsessed with people I meet, not all, but some. I know this stems from a source I do not want to drink from, a fear you could say. I think all functions, instincts, any typing can be slave to those uncounscious fears, shames or whatever we carry and that learning the worst of how it can work is the best way to make the uncounscious councsious... if you care about that that is.
    I like to dwelve in the darkest part of my inner world and bask in its horror, and even if I know I'm not alone, having actual tangible proof is be great, feelings don't give a damn about knowkedges after all. If I feel like that, there others somewhere in the world.

    Most people are looking for a mate, there are vairous ways and reasons to look for a mate.

    But yes, if the balance is right, sx can become compass of the soul, like pretty much any other [x] in balance.
    [x] can be anything probably.

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    What is it?

    The sexual survival instinct is the instinct of attraction and seduction. Beyond the physical drive to actually have sex, this instinct is the drive to attract sex. As a species, mating is a means of keeping the human race alive. However it is often not easy to ensure a mating partner. We have choice in who we mate with, and humans have developed attraction strategies to ensure that they are consistently able to seduce the interest of a mate. Sexual selection has ensured that our most attractive qualities be genetically passed on through the ages. For example, the female peacock is attracted to large, colourful plumage, and so it evolved to grow larger and more elaborate. In people, this instinct is an over-identification with the attraction strategies and elements of mating (beyond the act of copulation itself).

    How does it manifest?

    1. Arousal vs. Repulsion
    The sexual instinct seeks to be aroused and also illicit that response in others. It wishes to be energetically “turned-on” by people/things. SX-doms tend to be a slave to the things that arouse them, moving intensely toward these things in the manner of a drug addiction. When humans are sexually aroused, studies have shown that they are less likely to be disgusted by the smells of their partner’s body or even feel as sensitive to physical pain. It’s nature’s way of ensuring that the intense and boundary-destroying act of sex be a deep need in us, and that we are not deterred from mating by other instinctual boundaries. However, when one is not sexually aroused, the idea of sex with the unwanted mate is repulsive and can produce a disgust response. This is also nature’s way of ensuring we mate with the right person and be turned off by the wrong person according to the sexual instinct’s innate intelligence. We are either “turned on” or “turned off.” While a SX-dom does not necessarily wish instinctively to repulse or be repulsed, in a way, repulsing another can be confirmation that they are having an effect. If there’s no response, then they are not adequately sending attraction signals, since people’s response to sex is either turned on or off.

    Possible examples of thoughts: Is this arousing me? Do I crave it? Do they crave me? How deep can I penetrate this? Why aren’t they hooked on me? Will they be turned off if I do this?

    Concrete examples: Pushing a person’s boundaries, trying to get a rise out of someone, invading their comfort zone, locking someone into you

    2. Transformation via Seduction & Display
    The sexual instinct aims to fuse chemically with another, this fusion transforming both parties. In a sense, this need for fusion on in both parties can be objectifying. It is not a caring social fusion, but rather a chemical need to infect and be infected, to have the other person grow inside you and alter you, thus each person transforming into something else. Achieving this fusion via seduction and display manifests in two ways:

    a. Loss of Self - The Orifice - Feminine
    There are certain creatures (such as cicadas and male preying mantises) who work vigorously to mate only so they can die immediately after. There is a sense of giving oneself completely over to fusing with another being that you completely lose yourself in the process. Metaphorically, this is the feminine aspect of this instinct (we all have both feminine and masculine regardless of gender). It is the open hole, the receptive socket for self-transformation. “Make me one with you.” Often, the depictions of the sexual instinct in subtype literature focus only on the aggressive/masculine tendency of this instinct. But both the feminine and masculine are present in all of us, and SX-doms in particular can tend to wear more androgyny. This is the aspect of sexual that is creative, open, receptive, soft, and is a complete opening of all boundaries. This can soften certain enneagram types such as 8 or 5 who normally have physical/emotional/mental walls up. This brings the walls down in a way that SX-blinds would be opposed to.

    b. Aggression/Display - The Phallus - Masculine
    In most animals species, it is the male species who displays themselves to attract a suitable female partner. The peacock has its feathers, other birds have their intricate nests and special dances, etc. Humans have their creativity, or the thing that makes them stand out beyond others for display. These displays can be pointless from a survival standpoint, but they aim to attract a mate. For example, the peacock’s feathers slow him down and make it more difficult to escape predators. Point being, this instrument of sexual display actually threatens its self-preservation. However, the pointless display is important for its attraction strategy because it’s the hook that gets him mates. Humans can advertise their special scars, talents, exposing the underbelly of what’s beneath them, metaphorically the exposed phallus.

    Note: In humans, both the masculine and feminine strategies are present in all of us regardless of gender or sexual orientation. One may be more of a focus than others. However in both these strategies, there is an intense psychological nudity stemming from making oneself vulnerable.

    Possible examples of thoughts: Are we one? Am I penetrating? Am I leaving my scent or my mark on this person? Do they want me? Will they find someone else to be hooked on? Why aren’t they addicted to me? What can I become? What can I transform into?

    Concrete examples: Letting yourself be taken, emotional/psychological nudity and openness, displaying something that’s an emotional or physical scar, deliberate androgyny as an attraction strategy, allowing yourself to be changed or transformed by another, having a particular attraction strategy, fluid boundaries

    3. Chemistry

    The sexual instinct needs to feel the chemistry of being hooked into someone/something and have it returned. SX-doms can feel like a hunter waiting for their prey, or prey waiting for their hunter. They are sending out pheromones wherever they go, aiming to leave their “scent” on others. Their biggest fear is being undesirable or losing that chemistry. Not being captivating or interesting enough to attract a mate is devastating. To use the peacock example again, the male peacock can put a great deal of mental and physical energy into their display, and still the female might just not think it’s arousing enough to mate. The synergy that is craved in SX is a sense of simultaneous giving and taking (although the giving isn’t altruistic). It can be paralleled abstractly in vampire literature where the vampire bites and drains blood but the victim gains pleasure from it, or at the very least, this is usually eroticized. During intercourse or other kinds of mutual sexual activity, both people involved crave the other as an object to “take” but also enjoy “being taken” by the other. Both people are objectifying each other but getting what they crave in the process. This chemical synergy of objectification on both sides locks both people into a chemical flow.
    Note: This kind of chemistry is not the same as love or connection, however, humans of course have the ability to mix love with sex. However the Sexual instinctual drive is a separate domain. Connection and bonding is more in the Social instinct domain. And love and intimacy are not instincts.

    Possible examples of thoughts: Is there a building energy between us? Are we magnetically drawn to each other? Can we sustain this? If it’s gone, what else is out there?

    Concrete examples: A heat between you and another that registers as sexual, a sense of addiction or obsession, possession, turning off most people to attract the one that likes your scent.

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    Here is an Sx-first describing an sx-last. Draw your own conclusions.

    The Rolling Stones - She's So Cold.

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    I dunno, but I feel as though as soon as I get one-on-one time with another person then I have won. That is definitely the realm that I am the strongest. Or, at least, that is how I feel. I also know almost instantly whether or not I am attracted to someone. Usually the attraction isn't necessarily sexual, but rather just a sense of being intrigued by someone. They have "a spark" that I notice. This is true even if they are sx-last; if I am interested I am interested.

    I think an example of SX is when Bilbo says to Frodo something along the lines of, "I'm very selfish. I don't know why I took you in, but it wasn't out of charity. I think that it is because, out of all of my relations, you were the only one to show real spirit." I think that Bilbo is possibly SO/SX, but, regardless, that sentiment is SX, I think.

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    I took the Test to find out. Test results:

    WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SX based on the enneagram institute results explanation I got:

    The Sexual Variant

    Many people initially want to identify themselves as this Variant, perhaps because they believe that this would mean that they are sexy or because they enjoy sex. Of course, sexiness is highly subjective, and there are “sexy” people in all three of the Instinctual Variants. If we wish to be one Variant rather than another, it is good to remember that the personality tends to interfere with and distort the dominant Instinct. Thus, people of the Sexual Variant tend to have recurrent problems in the areas of intimate relationships. As with the other Variants, we need to see the way that the Instinct plays out more broadly.

    In the Sexual types, there is a constant search for connection and an attraction to intense experiences—not only sexual experiences but any situation that promises a similar charge. In all things, Sexual types seek intense contact. They may find intensity in a ski jump, a deep conversation, or an exciting movie. They are the “intimacy junkies” of the Instinctual Variants. On the positive side, Sexual types possess a wide-ranging, exploratory approach to life; on the negative side, they have difficulty focusing on their own real needs and priorities.

    On entering a room, Sexual types quickly focus on finding where the most interesting people are. They tend to follow their attractions. (By contrast, Social types notice who is talking with the host, who has power, prestige, or who might be able to help them. Self-Preservation types will note the temperature of the room, where the refreshments are, and what might be a comfortable place to sit.) Sexual types gravitate toward people they feel magnetized by, regardless of the person’s potential for helping them or their social standing. It is as if they were asking, “Where is the juice in this room? Whose energy is the most intense?”

    Sexual types tend to have difficulty pursuing their own projects or taking adequate care of themselves, because on a subconscious level, they are always looking outside themselves for the person or situation that will complete them. They are like a plug looking for a socket and can become obsessed with another if they feel they have found the right person for them. They may neglect important obligations, or even their own basic necessities, if they are swept up in someone or something that has captivated them.

    When they are unhealthy, Sexual types can experience a scattering of their attention and a profound lack of focus. They may act out in sexual promiscuity or become trapped in a fearful, dysfunctional attitude toward sex and intimacy. When the latter becomes their orientation, they will be equally intense about their avoidances.

    When the other two Instincts dominate in an individual and the Sexual Instinct is least developed, attending to matters of intimacy and stimulation—mental or emotional—does not come naturally. They know what they like, but often find it difficult to get deeply excited or enthusiastic about anything. Such individuals also tend to have difficulty being intimate with others and may even avoid it altogether. They also tend to fall into routines, feeling uncomfortable if there is too much that is unfamiliar in their lives. They may feel socially involved with people but strangely disconnected even from spouses, friends, and family members.

    The Sexual Instinct in the Six

    Symbols of Power and Connection. In the average range, Sexual Sixes develop physical strength, power, and/or physical attractiveness to feel safe. More aggressive Sexual Sixes rely on strength and displays of toughness that can resemble type Eight (“Don’t mess with me”), while more phobic Sexual Sixes use their sexuality and “coquettishness” to disarm others and attract support in ways that can resemble type Four. They mask their insecurities through open assertion and defiance of authority, or through flirtation and seduction.

    Sexual Sixes are highly aware of their physical attributes—for instance, spending time in gyms—although not for health reasons, but to enhance their strength and appeal. Sexual Sixes want to attract a powerful and capable mate, so they frequently test the other both to see if they will stay with them, as well as to give themselves time to assess the other person’s character and fortitude.

    Sexual Sixes are more openly defiant of authority than the other Instinctual Variants of the Six, especially when anxious. They are also the most doubting of others and of themselves. They can have explosive emotional reactions when their own insecurities are exposed or their connections with others are threatened. When anxious, they may assert themselves against their own supporters or third parties rather than at the true source of their anxieties. Attempts at sabotaging others, or undermining their reputations in various ways, especially through rumor-mongering, are typical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    What is it?
    What if I came up real close on ya. Real fucking close. All up in your comfort zone. Then smelled your hair while locking your gaze with mine. You'd be thrilled by something like that I know, cuz I would be. I would be so, very, thrilled.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlier View Post
    What if I came up real close on ya. Real fucking close. All up in your comfort zone. Then smelled your hair while locking your gaze with mine. You'd be thrilled by something like that I know, cuz I would be. I would be so, very, thrilled.
    You can try emailing your contact information and credit card # to the user @Santa Claus. I believe that he offers services.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    You can try emailing your contact information and credit card # to the user @Santa Claus. I believe that he offers services.
    What services does he offer?

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    I'm Sx-first, and for whatever screwed up reason, I keep meeting sx-last women. I was married to one, I dated an sx-last, so-first ESI until I figured out that she was happiest when she was seeking a crowd but wanted individuals to stay over on their side of the room, and the latest ESI I've been dating is proving to be the same way. She likes me in a remote, abstract way and she doesn't want to answer her phone or spend any time together. And yet, she claims to like me. These women are so bad for me.

    I feel that this song was written by an sx-first to an sx-last, whom he was, stupidly, in love with.

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-08-2020 at 03:21 PM.

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    Frankly, I do not know if I am sp/sx or sp/so. I know that I am SP first, though.

    How I Relate To SX:

    I relate to SX in the obsessiveness of my interests. I can be obsessed with something for months or even years. I also tend to focus more on individuals than groups, even though I have an awareness of power structures and cliques. I prefer hanging out with individuals rather than groups.

    How I Relate To SO:
    I notice and care about power dynamics. I also notice cliques. I might be a bit "grounded" or "practical" to be sp/sx.

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    You need someone, and at this moment in time, just one person is enough to fill the void, everything else is unnecessary

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm Sx-first, and for whatever screwed up reason, I keep meeting sx-last women. I was married to one, I dated an sx-last, so-first ESI until I figured out that she was happiest when she was seeking a crowd but wanted individuals to stay over on their side of the room, and the latest ESI I've been dating is proving to be the same way. She likes me in a remote, abstract way and she doesn't want to answer her phone or spend any time together. And yet, she claims to like me. These women are so bad for me.

    I feel that this song was written by an sx-first to an sx-last, whom he was, stupidly, in love with.

    ahhhh. I've always sung these songs, even as a little girl. My so-first parent didn't get my love of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm Sx-first, and for whatever screwed up reason, I keep meeting sx-last women. I was married to one, I dated an sx-last, so-first ESI until I figured out that she was happiest when she was seeking a crowd but wanted individuals to stay over on their side of the room, and the latest ESI I've been dating is proving to be the same way. She likes me in a remote, abstract way and she doesn't want to answer her phone or spend any time together. And yet, she claims to like me. These women are so bad for me.

    I feel that this song was written by an sx-first to an sx-last, whom he was, stupidly, in love with.

    Its called women are not attracted to me

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    SX- Plunging hard into anything intense/ of interest to you. Ex: pursuing things like a person, hobby or whatever interest.

    To me this manifests as an obsession of whatever thing I'm focusing on, where it gets to the point where I can't stop thinking/reading/learning about this thing and it (usually negatively) affects my attention throughout the day + my sleeping/health.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 12-20-2020 at 02:13 AM.

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