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Thread: High Five Test

  1. #1
    jason_m's Avatar
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    Default High Five Test

    My results:


    Your objective is to think. Some get excited by exercising their biceps or triceps, you - by stretching your 'brain muscles' through deep thinking. It does not necessarily mean you are a very focused person. It just means you enjoy the mental activity and meaningful conversations. For your mind journeys, you perceive yourself as the best companion. This introspection allows you to digest complex information and ideas before communicating about it with the surrounding world. Who wouldn't like to have a team member who can simplify even most sophisticated concepts in a way that a 3-year-old would understand?


    Your objective is to come up with new concepts and ideas. It's not even your objective - it's your way of life. You are constantly on the lookout to connect unconnectable things and to find new perspectives on familiar challenges. Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. New angles, approaches and perspectives no matter how contrary or bizarre give you an endless source of energy. As the result, the others might see you as an innovative person willing to turn the world around and resort to you if they need some 'out of the box' ideas. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team.


    Your objective is to see the big picture. Have you heard about 'taking the helicopter view'? In your case, you are constantly on this helicopter! That's not even a skill, it's a special way of seeing things - a special perspective on the world at large, where everything is interconnected. While others could be confused by your short-terms steps, in your mind you have a clear multi-step strategy on how to arrive at the desired outcome and to avoid paths leading nowhere. Such a strategist is an essential asset for any team determined to find a clear direction in a complex situation.


    Your objective is to solve problems. Any breakdowns are normally demotivating to the majority of people, but not for you. At the contrary, when something does not work the way it should be, it provides you an opportunity to analyze symptoms of a problem, identify what's wrong and find the solution. In other words, you are a great problem solver. What makes you particularly special is that instead of abandoning - your goal is to restore something to its true glory. In a team, everyone knows you as a person who does not shy away from a problem, but actually fixes things to their normal functioning.


    Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn. Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well.

  2. #2
    Revelations's Avatar
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    Peace Keeper

    Your objective is to solve conflicts and to establish harmony. You believe that, because conflicts divide us, one needs to find areas of common agreement to go further. You always wonder why people waste so much time in confrontations, while they could be more productive looking for consensus. Therefore, you always seek for common ground with others, even if it comes at a sacrifice of your own opinion for the sake of harmony and balance. You are one of those people with a strong sense of forgiveness. Your talent helps to minimize rocking of the team boat and mitigate conflicts on board as you search for win-win solutions for everyone.


    Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises - then it's you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations. It holds true no matter how small or large is the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That's why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what'll get on your desk - will get done no matter what.


    Your objective is to develop people's potential. Contrary to what others might think, you believe that every person has the potential for development. None of the people have achieved the ultimate level of excellence - there is always space to grow. You perceive it as a personal mission to help others utilize their potential and to experience success. As the result, you look for ways to facilitate their learning process - from challenging their thoughts in a discussion to creating environments which would facilitate learning process. You are one of those leaders that really care about the development of team members and they really appreciate it.


    Your objective is to bring confidence. While you might not know what the future is going to bring, it does not disturb you. Somewhere deep in your mind and heart, you know - no matter what happens, you will go through it. This inner confidence and self-motivation allows you to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most important, able to deliver. Your confidence applies not only to abilities but also to judgments. No matter what the situation, you seem to know what the right decision is. In eyes of others, this creates a feeling of certainty, which is crucial for driving decision making process in any team.


    Your objective is to be empathetic to others' emotions. No one can step into the others' shoes better than you - it comes so naturally to you. You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most importantly you are able to understand what the person is going though. It allows you to have personalized approach to everyone, to see their differences and specialties, to include them and to treat fairly. Naturally, it draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by making sure all team members are aware of each other's emotions and challenges.

  3. #3
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises - then it's you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations. It holds true no matter how small or large is the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That's why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what'll get on your desk - will get done no matter what.

    Your objective is to analyze in order to find root causes. It's not that you don't like ideas, theories, concepts, but you want to see them proven. And what's a better way to prove something than with data? While unbearable for some, large quantities of data make you feel like a fish in the water, because you constantly look for patterns, connections and root causes behind any result. You feel data helps you to be objective, unbiased and dispassionate. As the result, others see you as logical and rigorous. Surrounding people usually come to you to hear an unbiased perspective on their idea. If your analysis is delivered in a kind manner, it would make you into a great asset for any team that is full of daydreamers.

    Your objective is to believe and to do 'the right thing'. Of course, 'the right thing' differs from person to person, but one thing is true - you have a certain set of values that you are not ready to compromise. Moreover, these values are like a compass guiding you, providing a direction and giving your life meaning and satisfaction. You believe that money is not the ultimate measure of success. Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. Your team members will always value your consistency.

    Time Keeper
    Your objective is to set timelines and deadlines. Because of your dislike of surprises, you love to plan. You don't necessarily need to control everything and everyone, but there must be order and predictability in the world around you. You unconsciously impose the structure onto everything by setting up routines, timelines and deadlines. If you set up plans, you make sure you follow them through thoroughly. Your need for structure becomes very useful in a team or a project since you can bring order and discipline to maintain progress and productivity.

    Peace Keeper
    Your objective is to solve conflicts and to establish harmony. You believe that, because conflicts divide us, one needs to find areas of common agreement to go further. You always wonder why people waste so much time in confrontations, while they could be more productive looking for consensus. Therefore, you always seek for common ground with others, even if it comes at a sacrifice of your own opinion for the sake of harmony and balance. You are one of those people with a strong sense of forgiveness. Your talent helps to minimize rocking of the team boat and mitigate conflicts on board as you search for win-win solutions for everyone.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  4. #4
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    1. Deliverer
    2. Believer
    3. Philomath
    4. Thinker
    5. Winner: Your objective is to compete with others to win. In your mind, the saying 'participating means winning' is for losers. Competitions are created to find one winner because in the end your result is measured in comparison with others. There is no one but you who knows the real taste of victory. Since you compete to win, you also tend to participate in competitions where you feel more likely to win. Sometimes it might not even matter what you are competing for - but it's a mere fact of comparison that excites you. People like being in teams with you, because you take the competition to a completely new level, infuse passion into it and make sure the victory is getting celebrated accordingly.

    All but winner were already shown above so no need to copy paste them.

  5. #5
    Revelations's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    5. Winner: Your objective is to compete with others to win. In your mind, the saying 'participating means winning' is for losers. Competitions are created to find one winner because in the end your result is measured in comparison with others. There is no one but you who knows the real taste of victory. Since you compete to win, you also tend to participate in competitions where you feel more likely to win. Sometimes it might not even matter what you are competing for - but it's a mere fact of comparison that excites you. People like being in teams with you, because you take the competition to a completely new level, infuse passion into it and make sure the victory is getting celebrated accordingly.
    This is so SLI.

  6. #6
    Aster's Avatar
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    1. Peacekeeper
    Your objective is to solve conflicts and to establish harmony. You believe that, because conflicts divide us, one needs to find areas of common agreement to go further. You always wonder why people waste so much time in confrontations, while they could be more productive looking for consensus. Therefore, you always seek for common ground with others, even if it comes at a sacrifice of your own opinion for the sake of harmony and balance. You are one of those people with a strong sense of forgiveness. Your talent helps to minimize rocking of the team boat and mitigate conflicts on board as you search for win-win solutions for everyone.
    2. Deliverer
    Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises - then it's you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations. It holds true no matter how small or large is the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That's why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what'll get on your desk - will get done no matter what.
    3. Empathizer
    Your objective is to be empathetic to others' emotions. No one can step into the others' shoes better than you - it comes so naturally to you. You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most importantly you are able to understand what the person is going though. It allows you to have personalized approach to everyone, to see their differences and specialties, to include them and to treat fairly. Naturally, it draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by making sure all team members are aware of each other's emotions and challenges.

    4. Timekeeper
    Your objective is to set timelines and deadlines. Because of your dislike of surprises, you love to plan. You don't necessarily need to control everything and everyone, but there must be order and predictability in the world around you. You unconsciously impose the structure onto everything by setting up routines, timelines and deadlines. If you set up plans, you make sure you follow them through thoroughly. Your need for structure becomes very useful in a team or a project since you can bring order and discipline to maintain progress and productivity.
    5. Strategist
    Your objective is to see the big picture. Have you heard about 'taking the helicopter view'? In your case, you are constantly on this helicopter! That's not even a skill, it's a special way of seeing things - a special perspective on the world at large, where everything is interconnected. While others could be confused by your short-terms steps, in your mind you have a clear multi-step strategy on how to arrive at the desired outcome and to avoid paths leading nowhere. Such a strategist is an essential asset for any team determined to find a clear direction in a complex situation.

    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

  7. #7
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    Your objective is to solve problems. Any breakdowns are normally demotivating to the majority of people, but not for you. At the contrary, when something does not work the way it should be, it provides you an opportunity to analyze symptoms of a problem, identify what's wrong and find the solution. In other words, you are a great problem solver. What makes you particularly special is that instead of abandoning - your goal is to restore something to its true glory. In a team, everyone knows you as a person who does not shy away from a problem, but actually fixes things to their normal functioning.


  8. #8
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    My result:

    5. THINKER

    Same result as jason_m, the order is different only.

  9. #9
    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    • 4. THINKER

  10. #10
    bohemienne's Avatar
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    Interesting test!

    My results were:


    Your objective is to think. Some get excited by exercising their biceps or triceps, you - by stretching your 'brain muscles' through deep thinking. It does not necessarily mean you are a very focused person. It just means you enjoy the mental activity and meaningful conversations. For your mind journeys, you perceive yourself as the best companion. This introspection allows you to digest complex information and ideas before communicating about it with the surrounding world. Who wouldn't like to have a team member who can simplify even most sophisticated concepts in a way that a 3-year-old would understand?


    Your objective is to be empathetic to others' emotions. No one can step into the others' shoes better than you - it comes so naturally to you. You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most importantly you are able to understand what the person is going though. It allows you to have personalized approach to everyone, to see their differences and specialties, to include them and to treat fairly. Naturally, it draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by making sure all team members are aware of each other's emotions and challenges.


    Your objective is to come up with new concepts and ideas. It's not even your objective - it's your way of life. You are constantly on the lookout to connect unconnectable things and to find new perspectives on familiar challenges. Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. New angles, approaches and perspectives no matter how contrary or bizarre give you an endless source of energy. As the result, the others might see you as an innovative person willing to turn the world around and resort to you if they need some 'out of the box' ideas. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team.


    Your objective is to communicate a message. You are a natural storyteller and it's not only your natural talent but also a strength that you are constantly working on. You are always in search for a perfect phrase and powerful word combination to attract and to capture the attention of the audience. That's why people love listening to you. In your mind - the presentation and communication are everything. You might have the best idea or concept but in the end the way you present it is what makes a real difference. Strong communication skills make you a great addition to any team - be it for inspiring team members to act or for presenting the output of your work to external stakeholders.

    Your objective is to believe and to do 'the right thing'. Of course, 'the right thing' differs from person to person, but one thing is true - you have a certain set of values that you are not ready to compromise. Moreover, these values are like a compass guiding you, providing a direction and giving your life meaning and satisfaction. You believe that money is not the ultimate measure of success. Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. Your team members will always value your consistency.

  11. #11
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Your objective is to think. Some get excited by exercising their biceps or triceps, you - by stretching your 'brain muscles' through deep thinking. It does not necessarily mean you are a very focused person. It just means you enjoy the mental activity and meaningful conversations. For your mind journeys, you perceive yourself as the best companion. This introspection allows you to digest complex information and ideas before communicating about it with the surrounding world. Who wouldn't like to have a team member who can simplify even most sophisticated concepts in a way that a 3-year-old would understand?


    Your objective is to see the big picture. Have you heard about 'taking the helicopter view'? In your case, you are constantly on this helicopter! That's not even a skill, it's a special way of seeing things - a special perspective on the world at large, where everything is interconnected. While others could be confused by your short-terms steps, in your mind you have a clear multi-step strategy on how to arrive at the desired outcome and to avoid paths leading nowhere. Such a strategist is an essential asset for any team determined to find a clear direction in a complex situation.


    Your objective is to communicate a message. You are a natural storyteller and it's not only your natural talent but also a strength that you are constantly working on. You are always in search for a perfect phrase and powerful word combination to attract and to capture the attention of the audience. That's why people love listening to you. In your mind - the presentation and communication are everything. You might have the best idea or concept but in the end the way you present it is what makes a real difference. Strong communication skills make you a great addition to any team - be it for inspiring team members to act or for presenting the output of your work to external stakeholders.


    Your objective is to be empathetic to others' emotions. No one can step into the others' shoes better than you - it comes so naturally to you. You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most importantly you are able to understand what the person is going though. It allows you to have personalized approach to everyone, to see their differences and specialties, to include them and to treat fairly. Naturally, it draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by making sure all team members are aware of each other's emotions and challenges.


    Your objective is to believe and to do 'the right thing'. Of course, 'the right thing' differs from person to person, but one thing is true - you have a certain set of values that you are not ready to compromise. Moreover, these values are like a compass guiding you, providing a direction and giving your life meaning and satisfaction. You believe that money is not the ultimate measure of success. Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. Your team members will always value your consistency.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Your objective is to take charge and direct people. In any situation, you enjoy bringing yourself forward to lead the team. Moreover, you don't come empty handed - by that time your opinion and views are formed and you can't wait to align others with you. Contrary to others, in this process, you are not afraid of confrontation when presenting your views. At the contrary, you feel that the confrontation and the open discussion is the first step towards an agreement. People who have a clear vision and can take a stand for it always draw followers, so will you. If you also master listening to others, this strength will help you to be a good leader without fear of confrontation.

    Your objective is to see the big picture. Have you heard about 'taking the helicopter view'? In your case, you are constantly on this helicopter! That's not even a skill, it's a special way of seeing things - a special perspective on the world at large, where everything is interconnected. While others could be confused by your short-terms steps, in your mind you have a clear multi-step strategy on how to arrive at the desired outcome and to avoid paths leading nowhere. Such a strategist is an essential asset for any team determined to find a clear direction in a complex situation.

    Your objective is to come up with new concepts and ideas. It's not even your objective - it's your way of life. You are constantly on the lookout to connect unconnectable things and to find new perspectives on familiar challenges. Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. New angles, approaches and perspectives no matter how contrary or bizarre give you an endless source of energy. As the result, the others might see you as an innovative person willing to turn the world around and resort to you if they need some 'out of the box' ideas. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team.

    Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn. Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well.

    Your objective is to act and to initiate action. You cannot wait until the discussions are over, wondering when we can actually start doing something. Undoubtedly, sometimes the progress could be achieved in a meeting room, but deep down in your heart you know it's the action that leads to tangible results. If some can be resistant to act because they don't have full information, for you - acting is the best teacher and the best source of information. How can you know something does not work if we haven't tried it? You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. As the result, you are impatient for action and, if not managed, it can lead to confusion of your team members. However, this talent of transforming intangible ideas into tangible actions is invaluable in every team. It's all because you believe that you will be evaluated by what you get done, not what you say or what you think.

  13. #13
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Default ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Your objective is to bring confidence. While you might not know what the future is going to bring, it does not disturb you. Somewhere deep in your mind and heart, you know - no matter what happens, you will go through it. This inner confidence and self-motivation allows you to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most important, able to deliver. Your confidence applies not only to abilities but also to judgments. No matter what the situation, you seem to know what the right decision is. In eyes of others, this creates a feeling of certainty, which is crucial for driving decision making process in any team.

    Your objective is to act and to initiate action. You cannot wait until the discussions are over, wondering when we can actually start doing something. Undoubtedly, sometimes the progress could be achieved in a meeting room, but deep down in your heart you know it's the action that leads to tangible results. If some can be resistant to act because they don't have full information, for you - acting is the best teacher and the best source of information. How can you know something does not work if we haven't tried it? You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. As the result, you are impatient for action and, if not managed, it can lead to confusion of your team members. However, this talent of transforming intangible ideas into tangible actions is invaluable in every team. It's all because you believe that you will be evaluated by what you get done, not what you say or what you think.

    Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn. Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well.

    Your objective is to take charge and direct people. In any situation, you enjoy bringing yourself forward to lead the team. Moreover, you don't come empty handed - by that time your opinion and views are formed and you can't wait to align others with you. Contrary to others, in this process, you are not afraid of confrontation when presenting your views. At the contrary, you feel that the confrontation and the open discussion is the first step towards an agreement. People who have a clear vision and can take a stand for it always draw followers, so will you. If you also master listening to others, this strength will help you to be a good leader without fear of confrontation.

    Your objective is to communicate a message. You are a natural storyteller and it's not only your natural talent but also a strength that you are constantly working on. You are always in search for a perfect phrase and powerful word combination to attract and to capture the attention of the audience. That's why people love listening to you. In your mind - the presentation and communication are everything. You might have the best idea or concept but in the end the way you present it is what makes a real difference. Strong communication skills make you a great addition to any team - be it for inspiring team members to act or for presenting the output of your work to external stakeholders.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

  14. #14
    mindless Aeris's Avatar
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    Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn. Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well.
    Your objective is to adapt to chaotic environments. As the result, you see the world as a permanently changing place where nothing is fixed and you shape it with choices made right now. Instead of predetermining future, you prefer to go with the flow and discover it one day at a time. While some can interpret it as your inability to make plans and disorganization, you clearly know that you are very successful in constantly changing environments, where the work might be pulling you in many directions at once. It's difficult to make you upset by a sudden change in plans because you understand they are inevitable. You are a valuable asset in any team helping to unfreeze from a sudden change of plans and make progress in chaotic environments.
    Your objective is to think. Some get excited by exercising their biceps or triceps, you - by stretching your 'brain muscles' through deep thinking. It does not necessarily mean you are a very focused person. It just means you enjoy the mental activity and meaningful conversations. For your mind journeys, you perceive yourself as the best companion. This introspection allows you to digest complex information and ideas before communicating about it with the surrounding world. Who wouldn't like to have a team member who can simplify even most sophisticated concepts in a way that a 3-year-old would understand?
    Your objective is to believe and to do 'the right thing'. Of course, 'the right thing' differs from person to person, but one thing is true - you have a certain set of values that you are not ready to compromise. Moreover, these values are like a compass guiding you, providing a direction and giving your life meaning and satisfaction. You believe that money is not the ultimate measure of success. Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. Your team members will always value your consistency.
    Your objective is to solve problems. Any breakdowns are normally demotivating to the majority of people, but not for you. At the contrary, when something does not work the way it should be, it provides you an opportunity to analyze symptoms of a problem, identify what's wrong and find the solution. In other words, you are a great problem solver. What makes you particularly special is that instead of abandoning - your goal is to restore something to its true glory. In a team, everyone knows you as a person who does not shy away from a problem, but actually fixes things to their normal functioning.

    hm, okay...

  15. #15
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    1. Thinker
    2. Problem Solver
    3. Strategist
    4. brainstormer
    5. analyst
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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